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How can I use visdiff correctly?

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Charlie le 27 Août 2012
I am trying to use visdiff to compare different version of a code. The script fails with an error.
If I use the GUI dialogue, I get the error:
Undefined function 'comparisons_private' for input arguments of type 'com.mathworks.comparisons.source.impl.LocalFileSource'.
or if I use the command
I get the error:
Undefined function 'comparisons_private' for input arguments of type 'char'.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Charlie

Réponse acceptée

Friedrich le 27 Août 2012
sounds like a messed up ML search path. Try running:
After that try again. Normally the comparisons_private is a function shipped with MATLAB:
>>which comparisons_private
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\shared\comparisons\comparisons_private.m

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