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Plot function value vs 2 variables (expecting 3D plot) for each iteration in fmincon

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Yurii Iotov
Yurii Iotov le 19 Juin 2019
I need to plot for each iteration fval as Z, vs optimal values x from fmincon at this iteration
I tried to do it with Output Function Syntax and Plot Function Syntax in matlab doc and wrote(adapt) this code, but I get just a empty figure...
options = optimoptions('fmincon','PlotFcns',@optim_plot_fval_vs_q);
[x_opt, fval, exitflag, output, lambda_fmincon, grad, hessian]...
= fmincon(@objectiveFunction, x0, [],[],[],[],[],[], @nonlincon, options);
function stop = optim_plot_fval_vs_q(x,optimValues,state,varargin)
% OPTIMPLOTRESNORM Plot value of the norm of residuals at each iteration.
% Example:
% Create an options structure that will use OPTIMPLOTRESNORM as the plot
% function
% options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','PlotFcn',@optimplotresnorm);
% Pass the options into an optimization problem to view the plot
% lsqnonlin(@(x) sin(3*x),[1 4],[],[],options);
% Copyright 2006-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
persistent plotavailable
stop = false;
switch state
case 'init'
if isfield(optimValues,'resnorm')
plotavailable = true;
plotavailable = false;
title(getString(message('optim:optimplot:TitleNormResid', ...
case 'iter'
if plotavailable
if optimValues.iteration == 0
% The 'iter' case is called during the zeroth iteration,
% but it now has values that were empty during the 'init' case
% plotresnorm = plot(optimValues.iteration,optimValues.resnorm,'kd', ...
% 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 1]);
plotresnorm = plot3(x(1), x(length(x)/2+1), optimValues.fval);
% xlabel(getString(message('optim:optimplot:XlabelIter')),'interp','none');
% set(plotresnorm,'Tag','optimplotresnorm');
% ylabel(getString(message('optim:optimplot:YlabelNormResid')),'interp','none');
% title(getString(message('optim:optimplot:TitleNormResid', ...
% sprintf('%g',norm(optimValues.resnorm)))),'interp','none');
% plotresnorm = findobj(get(gca,'Children'),'Tag','optimplotresnorm');
% newX = [get(plotresnorm,'Xdata') optimValues.iteration];
% newY = [get(plotresnorm,'Ydata') optimValues.resnorm];
% set(plotresnorm,'Xdata',newX, 'Ydata',newY);
newX = [get(plotresnorm,'Xdata') x(1)];
newY = [get(plotresnorm,'Ydata') x(length(x)/2+1)];
newZ = [get(plotresnorm,'Zdata') optimValues.fval];
set(plotresnorm,'Xdata',newX, 'Ydata',newY, 'Zdata',newZ);
% set(get(gca,'Title'),'String', ...
% getString(message('optim:optimplot:TitleNormResid', ...
% sprintf('%g',optimValues.resnorm))));
I am expecting to get updating figure (with iteration) like this (example at the end of fmincon (after all iterations)):
Please, help me to get this figure

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