How To Execute "if-else" Statement.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Pranjal Pathak
Pranjal Pathak le 3 Sep 2012
I am having problem to execute an "if-else" statement in matlab of the foll. eqtn.
Xc=sum(i:1 to 3)sum(j:1 to 3)[(a(i,j)-a(m))*h(i,j)*x]/sum(i:1 to 3)sum(j:1 to 3)[(a(i,j)-a(m))*h(i,j)];
Yc=sum(i:1 to 3)sum(j:1 to 3)[(a(i,j)-a(m))*h(i,j)*y]/sum(i:1 to 3)sum(j:1 to 3)[(a(i,j)-a(m))*h(i,j)];
  1. sum(i:1 to 3)=represents summation where i goes from 1 to 3
  2. a(i,j): 3x3 matrix[3 6 8; 2 5 6; 9 4 5];
  3. a(m): middle element of the matrix a(i,j);
  4. h(i,j)={ 1, if a(i,j)>=a(m) &
  5. 0, if a(i,j)<a(m).
  6. [x y]=meshgrid(-1:2/2:+1, -1:2/2:+1).
Can anyone implement the foll. eqtn by correctly stating the condition of h(i,j).
Thanking You!
  4 commentaires
Dishant Arora
Dishant Arora le 3 Sep 2012
you have asked the same question again. didnt it help you out. you tried doing it.?? if you are facing any problem implementing that, u should make a comment there rathar then creating new question.
Jan le 3 Sep 2012
Please, Pranjal, do not post multiple questions for one problem. This wastes the time of the ones, who want to help.

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