Plotting a symbolic function using linspace?

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Salman Salamn
Salman Salamn le 4 Oct 2019
I am trying to plot the unit tangent,unit normal , and binormal vectors. However, I keep receiving the same error over and over again. Could you please tell me where I missed up?
Error in sym/privsubsasgn (line 1085)
L_tilde2 = builtin('subsasgn',L_tilde,struct('type','()','subs',{varargin}),R_tilde);
Error in sym/subsasgn (line 922)
C = privsubsasgn(L,R,inds{:});
Error in Calc_3_Prob_7 (line 12)
T(t)= UnitTangent(R);
syms t
R = [ 10*sin(t)+5*sin(5*t)+2.5*sin(2.3*t), 10*cos(t)+5*cos(5*t)+2.5*cos(2.3*t), 0.001*t.^4.*(1+(cos(2*pi*t)).^2)];
T(t)= UnitTangent(R);
N(t)= Normal(R);
B(t)= cross(T(t),N(t));
% showing the general acc lies in the osculating plane.( Binormal
% Direction)
UB(t)= B./VecSum(B);
% plot
t= linspace(0,10,601);
% plot(t,M(t))
hold on
for i=1:length(t)
plot(t,UB(i), 'k')
hold off
  4 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 4 Oct 2019
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson le 4 Oct 2019
The error message suggests that UnitTangent is a variable at that point (and not one that is a file handle.)
Karan Nandankar
Karan Nandankar le 5 Jan 2021
Modifié(e) : Karan Nandankar le 5 Jan 2021
Can you share the code of function 'UnitTangent()', so that I can reproduce the error at my end.

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