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How can I fix the error when I open the example 'ACCTestBenchExample'?

25 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Bo Lin
Bo Lin le 26 Nov 2019
Commenté : Bingqian Feng le 11 Fév 2020
When I open the example 'ACCTestBenchExample',it happened to this.
=== Simulation (Elapsed: 3 sec) ===
Error:Expression 'BusActorsActors' for type of data 'egoActor' did not evaluate to a valid type.
Caused by:
Invalid setting in 'Vehicle and Environment/Actors and Sensor Simulation/Pack Ego Actor' for parameter 'Datatype'
Error evaluating MATLAB Function parameter data 'Datatype' in its parent workspace.
函数或变量 'BusActorsActors' 无法识别。
Variable 'BusActorsActors' does not exist.
I do not change anything about the example provided.So,how can I fix it?
Thank you,
Lin Bo
  1 commentaire
Bingqian Feng
Bingqian Feng le 11 Fév 2020
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Réponses (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 26 Nov 2019
It is likely that the data has not been properly loaded. Run the following to bring up the Help page and click "Open Model" to start
web(fullfile(docroot, 'driving/examples/adaptive-cruise-control-with-sensor-fusion.html'))
  3 commentaires
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 26 Nov 2019
I've run the example in R2019b. No problem at all.
'BusActorsActors' is a bus object. Your error message says it does not exist, which indicates that the data is not properly loaded.
Another reason might be that you don't have enough toolbox. Run "license inuse" shows
Bingqian Feng
Bingqian Feng le 11 Fév 2020
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I meet the same problem, and don't know how to fix it

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