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question on use of Tilde

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Srinivas le 7 Oct 2012
I was looking at on of the sample code in matlab webinars, I could not understand the use of ~ in the code below , as I understand that ~ (not) is a logical operator.
% Perform a parameter sweep to identify the best setting.
sh = nan(100,1);
for m = 2:100
[~,~,sh(m)] = leadlag(BundClose,1,m);
[~,mxInd] = max(sh);
Please help, thanks in advance.

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 7 Oct 2012
When ~ appears in the left side of an assignment statement with multiple outputs, it means that that particular output should be discarded.
For example,
[~,mxInd] = max(sh);
is the same as
[TEMP,mxInd] = max(sh);
clear TEMP
This syntax has only been part of MATLAB since about R2009b or so.
  1 commentaire
Srinivas le 7 Oct 2012

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