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modeling ball screw using Simmechanics 2nd generation

31 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Brave le 10 Nov 2012
Hi every body
I am trying to model a actuator including Maxon DC servo motor connecting with ball screw by Simmechanics 2nd generation. We use the torque input to control the system. Have U ever tried to do that?
Thanks TNT.

Réponses (2)

Steve Miller
Steve Miller le 8 Mar 2018
An example showing how to use the Lead Screw Joint is contained in the Simscape Multibody Parts Library, which is available on the MATLAB Central File Exchange. It provides parameterized parts for Simscape Multibody, gear assemblies, MATLAB code for extrusions. A screenshot of a model contained in the submission (>> sm_lead_screw_actuation_torque) is shown below.
The key step is making sure your CAD parts have frames in the correct location with the correct orientation. Compare them to this example and use Rigid Transform blocks to get them in the right spot.

Muhammad Bilal
Muhammad Bilal le 2 Août 2019
I used ball screw in my project. Is there any way or some sort of library to get ball screw block instead of lead screw in simscape?

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