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How do I save a Simulink Test harness by command line/script?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Simon Ahrens
Simon Ahrens le 18 Juin 2020
I'm trying to use a script to open and modify a few dozen test harnesses for my model. Excerpt:
sltest.harness.open(modelName, harnesses(n).name);
sltest.testsequence.addSymbol(blockName, signalName, ...
'Data', 'Output');
However, I can't find a command for saving the changes. If I use
sltest.harness.close(modelName, harnesses(n).name);
I get the following error:
Error using editHarnesses (line 32)
Unable to close the test harness 'xxx' since it has unsaved changes. Please save the harness and
try the close operation again.
The model stores its harnesses in external .slx files.

Réponse acceptée

Simon Ahrens
Simon Ahrens le 18 Juin 2020
Nevermind, I'm silly and expected a dedicated Simulink Test save function. In fact the Simulink function
works just fine.

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