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Extremely slow imshow() when using 16-bit images

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Christopher le 12 Déc 2012
I'm starting by taking a matrix of data from a DICOM file and making it indexed (so that I can apply a user-specified colormap).
shades = 2^bit_val
grayData = mat2gray(dicomData);
% Limiting to shades-1 to allow for a special mark-up color
indexedData = gray2ind(data, shades-1);
%Then code to calculate cmap with the special color at the end
imshow(indexedData, cmap, handles.Axes);
If bit_val is 8, then the code takes 0.01 seconds to display which is fine. However, if bit_val is 16, then it takes nearly a whole second to display.
The primary issue is that I want to be able to quickly/smoothly switch between different slices being displayed.
Is there any way to improve the rendering time?
Under Windows, "When a given application intends to output colorized graphics and/or images, it can set their own logical palette, that is, its own private selection of colors (up to 256)."
Perhaps this explains why an 8-bit color map (with only 256 colors) displays faster than a 16-bit color map (with 65536 colors) on Windows.
  3 commentaires
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 12 Déc 2012
How are you timing it?
Christopher le 14 Déc 2012
@Walter: I am, indeed, using Windows. (XP to be precise. Company isn't upgrading to Windows 7 until next year.)
@Sean: With tic and toc.

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Réponses (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 12 Déc 2012
Modifié(e) : Sean de Wolski le 12 Déc 2012
X = uint16(rand(1000)*60000);
t = 0;
figure;ax = axes;
for ii = 1:10
t = t+toc;
% 0.0335 on my system
Also Have you seen implay()?
doc implay
  4 commentaires
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 17 Déc 2012
@Christopher: Put this in a loop (like I did) and run it in a script file. That way you don't get any overhead that may be introduced by the command window.
Christopher le 17 Déc 2012
Modifié(e) : Christopher le 17 Déc 2012
@Sean: Your script doesn't use an indexed image with a colormap. If I use just a grayscale version of the image with imshow(), it's very fast. However, the slowdown is in adding/applying the colormap.
Could you tell me what you get for:
X = uint16(rand(1000)*60000);
X = mat2gray(X);
X = gray2ind(X, 2^16);
cmap = gray(2^16);
t = 0;
figure;ax = axes;
for ii = 1:10
imshow(X, cmap,'parent',ax);
t = t+toc;
I get an average of 1.75
Edit: I've even tried displaying the indexed image (without the colormap as it was already set) and this doesn't seem to have increased the speed all that much.
Edit2: I noticed this from "help image":
For uint8 and uint16 matrices, color intensities are on the range [0, 255].

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