How to generate names?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hello kity
Hello kity le 8 Jan 2013
I want to make my code shorter.
I have this code:
instead there should be a for loop
for i=1:6
Sheetname'write i'=txt'write i'{1,3};
how to :) ?
  1 commentaire
Hassan F
Hassan F le 8 Jan 2013
Is there a specific reason why you implemented your script this way? Such a for loop will be slow and hard to read later on.

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Réponses (5)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 8 Jan 2013
  1 commentaire
Jan le 8 Jan 2013
+1. Same contents as in the Wiki, but stored locally: Answers: How to create variables in a loop

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Hassan F
Hassan F le 8 Jan 2013
You can use eval
for i=1:6
eval(['Sheetname' num2str(i) '=txt' num2str(i) '{1,3};'])
  5 commentaires
Jan le 8 Jan 2013
Modifié(e) : Jan le 8 Jan 2013
I do think that it matters. Programmers get used to use methods they are used to use. The more EVAL you write, the more acceptable does this command look, because we are human.
Much better in theory, practice and from the viewpoint of training the brain to think in efficient ways:
Sheetname{1} = txt{1,3};
Sheetname{2} = txt{2,3};
Sheetname{3} = txt{3,3};
Sheetname{4} = txt{4,3};
Sheetname{5} = txt{5,3};
Sheetname{6} = txt{6,3};
Never include an index in the name of a variable. You would not include your current weight to your name also, because the inconveniences are obviously.
Kind regards, Jan70.6kg
Hassan F
Hassan F le 8 Jan 2013
Totally makes sense.

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Hello kity
Hello kity le 8 Jan 2013
I tried this : >>
for i=1:6
A=['Sheetname' sprintf('%d' , i)];
B=['txt' sprintf('%d', i)];
??? Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
somehow it gives error about B{1,3}
>> txt1{1,3}
ans =
  1 commentaire
Hassan F
Hassan F le 8 Jan 2013
Modifié(e) : Hassan F le 8 Jan 2013
See my answer, but you should avoid this solution and use cells or other classes which suits your data the most.

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek le 8 Jan 2013
for ii=1:6
A{ii}=sprintf('Sheetname%d' , ii)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 8 Jan 2013
My m-files are usually 2-3 thousand lines long. I never worry about saving a paltry 3 lines. Why do you care? If you want to use fewer variables, say use a cell array for Sheetname instead of 6 variables, then you could do that, but with only 6 variable, it's really no big deal. Now if you had dozens or hundred variables named like that (which we see sometimes).....then yes, you'd want an array, but I'm not going to ding you for only 6 uniquely named variables.

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