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Joining a table using a column of list

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Douglas Chiang
Douglas Chiang le 28 Août 2020
Hi all, I have two tables as shown:
Table A (size mxn):
VarA VarB .....
------ -------
3 [1, 5, 7]
167 [2, 6, 9, 11]
Table B (size axb):
VarC VarD .....
------ -------
1 "X"
2 "B"
5 "E"
6 "F"
7 "G"
9 "I"
11 "R"
I would like to make use of Table B to join a new column to Table A like below:
New Table A:
VarA VarB VarE .....
------ ------- -------
3 [1, 5, 7] ["X", "E", "G"]
167 [2, 6, 9, 11] ["B", "F", "I", "R"]
Any help is much appreciated.
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 28 Août 2020
Does order matter? Alternately, will VarB always be in increasing order? Will VarC always be in increasing order?
Douglas Chiang
Douglas Chiang le 28 Août 2020
For VarB, you mean the order inside the array like [1,5,7]? Yes
For VarC, it is actually corresponds to the numbers in VarB and VarD shows their "Names", and the value increase down the column.

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Réponse acceptée

Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami le 28 Août 2020
Modifié(e) : Mohammad Sami le 28 Août 2020
Try this
if true
tabA.VarE = cellfun(@(X)tabB.VarD(ismember(tabB.VarC,X)),tabA.VarB,'UniformOutput',false);
  6 commentaires
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami le 29 Août 2020
Modifié(e) : Mohammad Sami le 29 Août 2020
You will need to convert the categorical array to cellstr, then convert it double.
tabA.VarB = cellstr(tabA.VarB);
tabA.VarB = regexprep(tabA.VarB,'[\[\]]','');
tabA.VarB = cellfun(@(x)str2double(strsplit(x,',')),tabA.VarB,'UniformOutput',false);
tabA.VarE = cellfun(@(X)tabB.VarD(ismember(tabB.VarC,X)),tabA.VarB,'UniformOutput',false);
Douglas Chiang
Douglas Chiang le 3 Sep 2020
That do the job, thanks a lot.

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