GUI calendar

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc le 25 Avr 2011
Hi, I have created a calendar in MATLAB GUI. I thought it was automatically change the date itself according to the computer calendar. However, everytime I opened my GUI it still gave the same time that i created it. How can I make the adjustment so it display the correct date.

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Matt Fig
Matt Fig le 25 Avr 2011
In the code you must have put in a hard value for the date. Instead, use the DATE function.
str = date;
You didn't mention where the date was displayed, but I show it on the titlebar of the figure above. You should also consult the help for DATE, and DATESTR. DATESTR can be used with the NOW function to get the date format you like.
  4 commentaires
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc le 27 Avr 2011
I create the calendar using the ActiveX control button , inside there is a MSCalendar to choose. I have used handles.activex=date however this do not return the current date. Still stagnant to the date I created it.
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc le 27 Avr 2011
I create the calendar using the ActiveX control button , inside there is a MSCalendar to choose. I have used handles.activex=date however this do not return the current date. Still stagnant to the date I created it.

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