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stereo camera calibration loading failed

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Adeel Ikram
Adeel Ikram le 22 Oct 2020
When I load the images for stereo calibration it gives error and does not load a single image. the error come is:
1. Warning: Error occurred while evaluating listener callback.
Error using vision.internal.calibration.tool.StereoBoardThumbnails/resizeToThumbnailStereo (line 134)
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
2.Warning: Error occurred while evaluating listener callback.
Error using vision.internal.calibration.tool.BoardThumbnails/updateBlockWithPlaceholder (line 186)
Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
It shows that it has passed all my images to skipped images.
I have taken images many time again. and they are successfully calibrated on python with opencv. it means the images are clear they have no problem. please guide me that what mistake I am making with matlab loading.
  4 commentaires
Dominic Marticorena
Dominic Marticorena le 23 Oct 2020
I am having this same problem on MATLAB R2020b.
Martin B
Martin B le 26 Oct 2020
Same here... any solution?

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Nitin Kapgate
Nitin Kapgate le 28 Oct 2020
it's a bug in MATLAB R2020b and our developers are aware about it. We will try to fix it in future releases.
  4 commentaires
Paul McWilliams
Paul McWilliams le 24 Nov 2020
I am finding the same issue with R2020b. Using Stereo Camera Calibrator app. All images have same dimensions. But always get Loading Failed message 'Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent'. Any update as to when this will be resolved?
Vinoth Venkatesan
Vinoth Venkatesan le 7 Déc 2020
As a workaround, convert the calibration images to grayscale (rgb2gray) before passing it on to the Stereo Calibrator App.

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