We are experiencing an error where macOS (Mojave, Catalina & possibly others) offloads some components from the Disk to iCloud.
When running the command to initialize arduino:
a = arduino('/dev/cu.slab_usbtouart','Nano3')
It fails because components are being offloaded from the machine to the cloud
I believe the affected directories for the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware are /Users/me/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB and Documents/MATLAB/Support Packages ... there is no reason they should be offloaded, I can't figure out why macOS it's doing this.
- The only solution I've found is do disable iCloud for Desktop and Documents which isn't always ideal.
macOS: 10.14.6, 10.15.7
Matlab: 2020a, 2020b
Package: MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware 20.1.1, 20.2.0