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How to generate a random binary digits

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nadir Khan
Nadir Khan le 13 Nov 2020
Commenté : John D'Errico le 13 Nov 2020
I am using matlab after verrry long time.
i need help plz.
Problem: A system is transmitting M number of bits
where M=20
i need these bit data to converted in bipolar format (where 0 represents = -1 and 1 represents 1 = +1)
then i have to add White Gaussian Noise on it
and store and display this signal in any R (variable/integer etc)
  1 commentaire
John D'Errico
John D'Errico le 13 Nov 2020
This appears to be very likely homework, so you need to make an effort. In any case, it was clearly a task assigned to you. So that means you are the one who needs to learn, and that will involve making an effort. Break any task down into pieces. Start at the beginning.
If you have absolutely no clue how to do anything, then start with a tutorial. The MATLAB Onramp sessions are an excellent idea, but there are also many tutorials in MATLAB to be found on YouTube.

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