How can I zoom into preview window while updating

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Steffio le 25 Fév 2013
I have only recently begun using Matlab Image Acquisition Toolbox for image acquisition with an industrial GigE camera. For a first start, I have been using the basic functions with the wizard to capture images, set the exposure time etc.
In my application, I have a very small area of interest in the image. So it is difficult to focus the camera on this small detail. I would like to zoom into the preview window while it is showing live the changes, so that I can see my ROI in detail and see when the focus is correct. Can anybody help me with this? I have not found any information about zooming into the displayed window/preview window.
Thanks Steffio

Réponses (1)

David Tarkowski
David Tarkowski le 25 Fév 2013
You can change the ROI by setting the ROIPosition property. The IMAQTool GUI will allow you to do this interactively.
  2 commentaires
Steffio le 26 Fév 2013
Thank you. I can postiion a ROI, but what I want is an enlarged view of it. For example 500%, so that I can see individual pixels in the window.
David Tarkowski
David Tarkowski le 26 Fév 2013
The preview window always displays previewed images at 100% zoom (i.e. one screen pixel for one image pixel). If you want to zoom as you describe, you'll need to implement a custom preview window. You can see for an example of how to do this.

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