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how to close all video player windows by command in matlab?

23 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jay Cheng
Jay Cheng le 2 Avr 2013
The built-in demo code videotrafficof.m opens 4 video player windows to demonstrate how to track cars in video. I would like to learn is there any command I can use to close the video player windows without mouse clicking? THX

Réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 2 Avr 2013
Does "close all" work?
  4 commentaires
Samuel Wirajaya
Samuel Wirajaya le 18 Oct 2019
Modifié(e) : Samuel Wirajaya le 18 Oct 2019
A convenient way to reproduce this issue is
>> figure, implay(nan(100,100,3,5))
This will open two windows: a Figure window, and a Movie Player window. Doing
>> close all
closes the figure window, but does not close the movie player window. A way to programmatically close the movie player window is appreciated.
Junaid Mehmood
Junaid Mehmood le 4 Mar 2020
Modifié(e) : Junaid Mehmood le 4 Mar 2020
Probably too late. But this should work.
You can also assign a handle to the movie player and then call the close function. i.e.
m1 = implay()

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