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Double precision

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Shravan Chandrasekaran
Shravan Chandrasekaran le 7 Mai 2011
Dear all,
How do you fix double precision in matlab. Is Triple and higher precisions available ?
Regards, Shravan.

Réponse acceptée

James Tursa
James Tursa le 7 Mai 2011
I didn't know double precision was broken. You can get higher precision with the Symbolic Toolbox. Or if you only need integers, with the FEX submission vpi by John D'Errico:
  1 commentaire
Shravan Chandrasekaran
Shravan Chandrasekaran le 7 Mai 2011
Dear Tursa,
Refer any online dictionary . Fix also means "to assign"; and Thanks for the link.

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