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Execution time of m-file

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mounika M
Mounika M le 11 Avr 2013
Hai. I need to find the execution time for m-files created for segmentation purpose. Which method do you prefer.I tried tic and toc but I am different results each time.Which is best to use?

Réponse acceptée

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser le 11 Avr 2013
I prefer using the Profiler. It helpd to find the bottlenecks of my code.
  1 commentaire
Mounika M
Mounika M le 12 Avr 2013
Thanks a lot

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Plus de réponses (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 12 Avr 2013
Profiler effectively turns off JIT (the just in time compilation) with the result that the profile times could turn out very different (much worse) than actual times.
You might want to use the File Exchange contribution "timeit"

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