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Effacer les filtres

Invalid use of operator.

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tobenna Uzuegbunam
Tobenna Uzuegbunam le 20 Jan 2021
I'm try to perfom the simple equation:
i.e. the square root of the integral of the square of the signal (averaged av(t)).
But I keep getting the error message "Invalid use of operator.". Please help, I'm very new to MATLAB
Where av(t) = -8.1284e-05
t_full = 1.2726e+04
av(t) = -8.1284e-05
T = 1.2726e+04
int = sqrt(@(t).* (av(t))^2);
MSDV = quadgk(int,0,t_full);
  1 commentaire
Tobenna Uzuegbunam
Tobenna Uzuegbunam le 20 Jan 2021
Just a correction on the code used...
av(t) = -8.1284e-05
T = 1.2726e+04
int = sqrt(@(t).* (av(t))^2);
MSDV = quadgk(int,0,T);

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Réponse acceptée

Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 20 Jan 2021
int = sqrt(@(t).* (av(t))^2);
That is not valid. You're not multiplying the square of av(t) by anything.
int = sqrt(@(t) (av(t))^2);
  3 commentaires
Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 20 Jan 2021
My mistake, I only focused on the operator. The square root operator needs to be inside the anonymous function.
int = @(t) sqrt(av(t)^2);
And you probably want to vectorize your function.
int = @(t) sqrt(av(t).^2);
Tobenna Uzuegbunam
Tobenna Uzuegbunam le 20 Jan 2021
Thank you!

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