window size in matlab's app designer

128 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nathan Bblanc
Nathan Bblanc le 10 Mar 2021
Commenté : Adam Danz le 22 Mar 2021
edit: attached the app
when designing an app in the app designer (2020b), the size of the window seems to vary when I run it in differen PCs. I mean the size of the window after running the app.
In some computers part of the app itself is cut and cannot be accessed by the user.
is there a way to fix this?
  4 commentaires
Aghamarsh Varanasi
Aghamarsh Varanasi le 17 Mar 2021
Can you attach the app ?
Nathan Bblanc
Nathan Bblanc le 17 Mar 2021
Modifié(e) : Nathan Bblanc le 17 Mar 2021
attached. note that this is only a part of the app- none of the buttons work. but the buttons are not the issue. also note that it might work well on your computer as it does on mine. the issue is that this is computer dependent.

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Réponses (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 16 Mar 2021
Modifié(e) : Adam Danz le 17 Mar 2021
From the component browser in AppDesigner, select the figure handle and check the Window Appearance & Position properties in the properties inspector.
If the WindowState is set to maximized or fullscreen then the AutoResizeChildren should be checked so that different the app components will maintain their relative positions with monitor sizes.
You also need to make these changes in the startup function. This will allow the app to fully render before resizing the figure.
function startupFcn(app)
%app.UIFigure.WindowState='maximized'; % <--------- remove
app.System_Inert.Items = app.Material_list;
app.System_Reactive.Items = app.Material_list;
app.System_Reactive.Value = 'Water';
drawnow(); pause(.05) % <--------- add
app.UIFigure.WindowState='maximized'; % <--------- add
  14 commentaires
Nathan Bblanc
Nathan Bblanc le 20 Mar 2021
Yes, I mean the picture you referenced. The files look identical in the app designer, but different when the app is intitialized. this is exactly my problem. we are looking at the same file, i just double checked.
btw in your screenshot from when the app is initlaized it seems that the buttons are "cut" on the right side. the "speaker" button for instance. if they are indeed cut then this is a similar problem. in my computer screen the buttons are not cut.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 22 Mar 2021
I see what you mean.
I played around with it a bit more and the repositioning is really buggy. For example, when I run the app attached in my comment above the app is maximized by the statup fcn and there are errors in component placement. Then I manually shrink the figure and the components do not resize, they are just cut off. But then when I manually expand the figure by draging a corner, the button resizing starts to take effect. I'd contact tech support and let us know what they say.

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