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How to disable dynamic menu items from axes

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson le 19 Mar 2021
Commenté : Kevin Johnson le 22 Mar 2021
This question is difficult to look up the answer to because I don't know the name of this visual feature of an axes. It pops up dynamically as the cursor passes over it. Sometimes it interferes with nearby uicontrols etc., and I'd like to be able to disable it sometimes.

Réponse acceptée

Srivardhan Gadila
Srivardhan Gadila le 22 Mar 2021
Refer to the documentation of Control Chart Interactivity and set the Visible property of the AxesToolbar object to 'off'
ax = gca;
ax.Toolbar.Visible = 'off';

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