X axis of feather plot

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ede gerlderlands
Ede gerlderlands le 1 Juil 2013
I plotted vector of wind velocity given by U and V , as
Is there a way to provide the x axis in such a way that I want to put the date on x - axis which so far I don't manage to do. Is there any alternative in having this? Am having trouble on this and any help is highly appreciated.

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Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney le 1 Juil 2013
Use quiver instead; it allows you to specify explicit x and y coordinates for each vextor:
quiver(date, zeros(size(U)), U, V);
  7 commentaires
Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney le 1 Juil 2013
Nope, still no idea. Let's try an example; this is the example data from the feather documentation; all I've done is add corresponding time data.
theta = (-90:10:90)*pi/180;
r = 2*ones(size(theta));
[u,v] = pol2cart(theta,r);
t = datenum(now) + (1:length(u));
quiver(t, zeros(size(u)), u, v);
set(gca, 'xtick', t(1:2:end));
So now, at each time along the x-axis, there is a vector showing the magnitude and direction of the data at that time. If you want something else, perhaps you can include a sketch or something? Otherwise, I guess we'll have to wait for someone else to chime in who possibly understands what you're asking.
Vignesh Ramakrishnan
Vignesh Ramakrishnan le 23 Avr 2022
Can we have a feather from an arbitrary line instead of the x-axis specifically?

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