3D PLOT please help

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
francis le 6 Juil 2013
Déplacé(e) : DGM le 29 Déc 2023
xlabel('Molecules Speed(m/s)'); ylabel('Temperature(K)'); zlabel('Probability');
this is the problem: Make a 3d plot of P(v)as a function of v and T for 0<v<1000 and 70<T<320
Molecules of gas in a container are moving at different speeds. Maxwell speed distribution law gives a probability P(v)
P(v)=4pi(M/(2piRT))^(3/2) * v^2 *e^((-Mv^2)/(2RT))
R= 8.31
this is the error I get
??? Error using ==> times
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Thanks for the feedback and help

Réponse acceptée

the cyclist
the cyclist le 6 Juil 2013
To plot over a range of (x,y), you need the complete grid of coordinates. You can use the command meshgrid() to do this:
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
Calculate z from xx and yy instead of x and y.
You probably want to decrease the granularity of your grid, otherwise you have way too many points to plot. It looked pretty good when I did
  1 commentaire
francis le 6 Juil 2013
Déplacé(e) : DGM le 29 Déc 2023
thanks I get it now

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