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Why the message "Error: Specify a Windows update package" while updating appears?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Konstantin le 28 Avr 2021
Clôturé : Konstantin le 28 Avr 2021
I try to install Update 1 for 2021a version offline and, as always, run
update_installer.exe -updatepackage <package_folder>
in the command line, but receive (in the log file) the message:
(Apr 28, 2021 11:30:29) Error: Specify a Windows update package.
As I suppose, Matlab updater uses Windows functions for launching update program, but something goes wrong. I have found no suggestions regarding this issue yet. Are there any ways to tackle the trouble?
  2 commentaires
Jan le 28 Avr 2021
Just to be sure: You have replaced "<package_folder>" by the path of the package folder?
Konstantin le 28 Avr 2021
Sure, the palacehoder <package_folder> was replaced.
I have been installing Matlab updates in such a manner about 3 years.

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