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Create .xyz file from grid data

12 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Laxmikant Mane
Laxmikant Mane le 28 Avr 2021
Commenté : Jacob Valdes le 18 Juin 2021
I have data x(100x1), y(100x1), z(100x100). How can I get data in triplet form (x,y,z)?

Réponses (1)

Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy le 13 Mai 2021
Hi Laxmikant,
You can use the meshgrid to create 2D grids in the X-Y plane and the concat function to concatenate the grid with the Z values. The code snippet below might be helpful to get the data in triplet form:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
data = concat(3,X,Y,z); % Here 3 refers to 3rd dimension along which we are concatenating the arrays
triplet_11 = data(1,1,:); % Triplet value at index (1,1) . To obtain triplet at position (i,j) we can use data(i,j,:)
Hope this helps!
  1 commentaire
Jacob Valdes
Jacob Valdes le 18 Juin 2021
Undefined function 'concat' for input arguments of type 'double'.

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