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Storing output from each FOR LOOP ititeration in MATLAB

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Alistair le 7 Août 2013
Say I have 3 matrix data files in a folder..
I have a function (clustering_coef_bu) which calculates the clustering coefficient of a 2D matrix (data; has the dimensions 512x512) file. The output vector of the function creates a 512x1 Matrix (Clustering Coefficient), in double format.
With the for loop below, for each matrix (data) I'm calculating the clustering coefficient. However, I am having difficulting being able to store the output clustering coefficient for each run of the for loop. It would be ideal to output the clustering coefficient of each matrix into one singular structure. I.e a cell array, which has the dimensions 512x3.
for k = 1:3
Anyhelp would be great. Thanks

Réponse acceptée

Jan le 7 Août 2013
Modifié(e) : Jan le 7 Août 2013
ClusteringCoefficient = zeros(512, 3);
my_data = cat(3, data1, data2, data3);
for k = 1:3
ClusteringCoefficient(:, k) = clustering_coef_bu(my_data(:,:,k));
  3 commentaires
Jan le 7 Août 2013
Yes, of course, this should work. You can simply try it to test if it works.
Alistair le 8 Août 2013
Thanks Simon, I have the correct code now.
randomnetworkdata = zeros(512, 512, 3);
ClusteringCoefficient = zeros(512, 3);
for k = 1:3
randomnetworkdata(:,:,k) = randomizer(s);
ClusteringCoefficient(:,k) = clustering_coef_bu(randomnetworkdata(:,:,k));

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Plus de réponses (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 7 Août 2013
ClusteringCoefficient = cell(3,1); % initialize empty cell array
my_data = zeros(512,512,3); % initialize empty matrix to hold your data
my_data(:,:,1) = data1;
my_data(:,:,2) = data2;
my_data(:,:,3) = data3; % your 3 matrices put together in a 3D matrix, you can adapt this last 4 lines to your data
for k = 1:3
ClusteringCoefficient{k} = clustering_coef_bu( my_data(:,:,k) );


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