Saving Table in Excel while in loop

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hashvi Sai
Hashvi Sai le 28 Juil 2021
Modifié(e) : KSSV le 28 Juil 2021
Hi All
Im running a program pertaining to EEG data. I have a table with one row and while the loop is running i want the output to be saves in excel. i used the following code.
filename = 'testdata.xls'
for n=1:2
writetable(AllMI,'testdata.xls','Sheet',1,'Range', ['A' num2str(n)],'WriteVariableNames',false)
the problem is that both the rows are showing the same output.
Please help me with this.

Réponse acceptée

KSSV le 28 Juil 2021
Modifié(e) : KSSV le 28 Juil 2021
Loop is not needed, you can striaght away write the matrix into excel.

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