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visualize a tree and splitting point in TreeBagger

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Henry le 11 Oct 2013
Hi, Suppose I fit a TreeBagger with 2 column predictor variables X:
B = TreeBagger(1,X,y, 'Method','classification','NVarToSample',1,'oobpred','on')
I want to visualize any tree that I choose, and the splitting values. How can I do that? Thanks!

Réponse acceptée

Ilya le 13 Oct 2013
doc TreeBagger and take a look at the Trees property. For example, to see the first tree
  3 commentaires
Ilya le 14 Oct 2013
What I said about the view method is not in the TreeBagger doc. Typing
returns an object for a single tree. If you use R2013a or later, the class is included in the display of this object. (If you use an earlier release, you can infer the class of this object from the variable editor, for instance.) You can then go to the doc for that class.
Henry le 14 Oct 2013
Alright, thanks very much!

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Plus de réponses (1)

Mohammad Abdulla
Mohammad Abdulla le 5 Juil 2018
Hi, How can I increase the number of iterations for fitting a decision tree or random forest? Also, how can I change the opimizer from Bayesian to other such as grid search

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