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How to find out the magnitue of a sinusoidal signal at specific time location.

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Vijender le 17 Oct 2013
Commenté : Vijender le 22 Nov 2013
Hello, I want to find out magnitude of sine wave at specific time location. Is there any way to find out this.
  2 commentaires
Vivek Selvam
Vivek Selvam le 17 Oct 2013
How is the sine wave stored?
Vijender le 22 Nov 2013
for eg. y = sin(t); then y is an array containg all the values an dif you plot(y) you can get sinusoidal wave. so you if you want to store sine wave just store y array. Anyways i got the answer of my question.

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