Problem 1875. GJam: 2013 China Event: Cannon Angle

This Challenge is derived from GJam 2013 China Captain Hammer. The problem is modified to fit within Cody dimensions.

The Challenge is to return the lower angle of a cannon given a target distance and an initial cannonball velocity. Gravity is a constant at 9.8m/sec^2, A valid solution is assured. (Error tolerance 2e-6).

Input: [v d] Velocity and Distance in meters.

Output: theta in units of degrees with an accuracy of 2e-6

Competition Summary: Best Time of 8 minutes, 755/1070 completed

The winner completed all three GJam China Challenges in 26 minutes with second at 43 minutes.

Solution Stats

72.5% Correct | 27.5% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jul 06, 2024

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