Problem 1976. Kaggle: Reverse Game of Life - Create Isle prior State

Kaggle's Conway's Reverse Game of Life contest inspires this Isle Single Evolution step in Life challenge. The kaggle contest runs from Oct-14-2013 thru Mar-02-2014. References: Game of Life at Wolfram. Wiki Life.

1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by under-population.
2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overcrowding.
4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
5. No wrap around. Beyond edge is zero. Eight Neighbors.

Create an Isle that will evolve in one step to the given Isle state. An Isle is a morphing matrix that may contain non-periodic and interacting animals. The Isle is pre-evolved and will have >10 live cells. Multiple solutions are possible. Imperfect solutions are allowed. This is a Performance Challenge.

Input: Isle, 10x10 binary, 100 Isles

Output: Isle_Predict, a matrix that will evolve to Isle

Scoring: 1000 * ( Errors / Total_points )

Example: (Errors=0 and 100 Total Points)

Isle        Isle_Predict
0001000000 0001000000
0010100000 0010100000
0100100000 0100100000
1101100000 0101000000
0100100000 0111000000
0000101000 0010100000
0010111100 0010111100
0001000010 0001000100
0000110100 0000111100
0000110000 0000010000

Next: Isle_Predict vs Actual Specific Isle Predecessor. Study in Probability.

Solution Stats

90.91% Correct | 9.09% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Aug 23, 2024

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