Problem 44208. Where's Waldo?

Find the string 'Waldo' in the character matrix given and return the indices of where you found him as a 4x2 matrix where the elements reflect the row, column pairings of each letter in Waldo's name, starting with 'W'. Waldo will be hidden in various ways, e.g. 'odlaW', 'waldo', so be sure to look closely.

Example 1

picture = ['QGxOe'
waldoInd = [3     1
            3     2
            3     3
            3     4
            3     5]

Example 2

picture = ['WLvJC'
waldoInd = [2     5
            2     4
            2     3
            2     2
            2     1]

Example 3

 picture = ['WFBlS'
 waldoInd = [1 1
             2 2
             3 3 
             4 4
             5 5]

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56.52% Correct | 43.48% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jul 03, 2024

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