Problem 60618. ICFP2024 005: Lambdaman 1, 2, 3
The ICFP2024 contest was held June29 thru July 1. The contest consisted of five parts: ICFP Language, Lambdaman maze, Starship flying, 3D - graph programming, and Efficiency - processing complex ICFP message to a numerical value.
The Lambdaman 1, 2, and 3 mazes are small matrices L at various indices, '.' a cheese bit, # is Wall. Matrix uses Wall=0,L=1,Cheese=2. Encircling Walls are added to all mazes.
The contest goal was to write a minimal size, bytes, expression that moves L, Lambdaman, to eat each cheese bit.
The contest's best Lambdaman1, 2, and 3 solutions take 15, 26, and 40 U/R/D/L commands, respectively.
The ICFP competition is more about manual solving optimizations for each unique problem.
This challenge is to solve Lamdaman mazes 1, 2 and 3 by eating all the cheese via a char path of UDLR, with a common program smaller than the template. The template implements a near brute force recursion with a time limit. Optimal solutions are not required.
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