Problem 958. ismember: Enhanced Performance for 'rows' and width - Speed Scoring (66% savings)

The Challenge is to perform very fast the 'ismember' function for a long and wide array. The width of the array is expanded from 16 to 48.

Fast methods can reduce time by 66%.

The data is small integer representing data permutations of items like DNA and Rubik's cube faces and orientations.

Input: Array of uint8 of dimensions (m, 48) with values 0:3

Output: Array Equivalent to ismember(A,B,'rows')


1) Columns can be merged to form a reduced number of columns 2) Unique has the option to provide an Array and a sorting Index

Note: Enhancements to speed usually improve memory allocation issues.

Solution Stats

83.33% Correct | 16.67% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Oct 19, 2023

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