Image Analyst
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Senior Scientist (male/man) and Inventor in one of the world's 10 largest industrial corporations doing image analysis full time. Ph.D. in Optical Sciences specializing in imaging, image processing, and image analysis. 44+ years of military, academic, and (mostly) industrial experience with image analysis programming and algorithm development. Experience designing custom light booths and other imaging systems. Experience with color and monochrome imaging, video analysis, thermal, ultraviolet, hyperspectral, CT, MRI, radiography, profilometry, microscopy, NIR and Raman spectroscopy, etc. on a huge variety of subjects. Member of the Mathworks Community Advisory Board. Be sure to click "View All" in my File Exchange to see ALL of my demos and tutorials: Professional Interests: Image analysis and processing
MATLAB, Visual Basic
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Professional Interests:
Image Data Workflows, Industrial Statistics, Image Processing and Computer Vision
0 Questions
39 238 Réponses
17 Fichiers
Cody0 Problèmes
1 Solution
32 Points forts
of 296 601
78 100
0 Questions
39 238 Réponses
12 473
29 of 20 397
23 775
17 Fichiers
0 Publications
0 Public Chaîne
32 Points forts
Create boundaries in an image based on porosity
Try this: % Demo by Image Analyst % Initialization steps: clc; % Clear the command window. close all; % Close all figure...
environ une heure il y a | 0
i have a matlab code with 3 for loops, in last for loop , there is threshold based penalization. i want trace some variables in that code and compare with plot
Make sure the variables you want to write out to the CSV file are all matrices (so you need to to create pout1 and put2 and inde...
2 jours il y a | 0
| A accepté
How to connect broken lines, but no enlarge line width?
Try this to completely fill the rectangle as you asked (untested - post before image separately if you want me to test it): aft...
3 jours il y a | 0
I need an algorithm to fill in the blank vertical path pixels.
You need an edge linking program. You basically need to label the lines with 8-connected pixels to give a label/number for each...
5 jours il y a | 0
| A accepté
how to find curve fiitng equation through custom equation
I understand that you've measured x and y points and you want to fit these to an equation for the discharging state of charge (S...
5 jours il y a | 0
| A accepté
Are there any methods to remove/reduce shadows in this image?
Try the Color Thresholder on the Apps tab of the tool ribbon. Use HSV colorspace and find regions with saturation less than abo...
6 jours il y a | 0
How to highlight a area in figure
You can try imoverlay to make the mask overlaid on the image, or you can use plot to plot a red outline at the mask perimeter lo...
6 jours il y a | 1
steady plot end with different rate of rise question
Your plot shows an exponential decrease but the code you gave does an exponential increase. Which do you want? And is it you...
16 jours il y a | 0
Extract individual curve from a multiple curve plot
I think the best solution is not to try to fix a mess of data but to try to prevent the mess in the first place. Was the .mat f...
17 jours il y a | 0
MatLab crashing on Windows 11 Pro during data analysis. Memory leak and insufficient RAM likely not cause of crash. What is the cause of this problem? Log file below:
MATLAB crashes create a crash dump file (like the one you listed). I believe those files are automatically sent to the Mathwork...
20 jours il y a | 0
How to stop command window from pasting in previous commands?
It's always been like that. There are lots of options as far as the command window goes. Go to Home->Preferences and look at t...
20 jours il y a | 0
how can i convert pixels into cms,the code that is available online is giving error
You need to define a certain distance in your image to be a specified number of cm. Do you know the field of view? Or the widt...
22 jours il y a | 0
poltting a linear relatioship
You can use polyfit to fit your data to a line, then use plot to plot the fitted line and the original data. Attached are examp...
23 jours il y a | 0
Superscripts and subscripts in fprintf
29 jours il y a | 0
How to calculate variance, kurtosis, and skewness of a ROI (Region of Interest) in grayscale image?
See my attached demo for computing image moments. Adapt as needed.
environ un mois il y a | 1
I can't understand what my mistakes are
Looks like line 6 is really not empty. Maybe scroll to the right to see if there is a - on that line. Also t(2,1) I think is a...
environ un mois il y a | 1
Sir, how to find area & coordinates of white pixels in binary image?
To get all the rows and columns of the white pixels, you can do [rows, columns] = find(binaryImage); You'll get two vectors an...
environ un mois il y a | 0
how to crop a binary mask to remove all black pixels while maintaining the largest area of white pixels?
With a shape that is not rectangular you cannot "remove" ALL black pixels. However you can crop the image if you want (like to ...
environ un mois il y a | 0
Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment. Error in extraction (line 32) [f0,idx] = pitch(x,fs,Method="SRH",WindowLength=win
The function called pitch() returns more than the 2 outputs that you are requesting. It takes 3 or more. What does the functio...
environ un mois il y a | 0
PCA on an image
See my attached demo where I compute the principal components of an image.
environ un mois il y a | 0
Trouble with installing package on offline computer
Contact Mathworks by phone for all installation related questions. It's free and immediate.
environ un mois il y a | 0
MATLAB Code Solution Assessment
I recommend that you do not do that (check for exact syntax of their solution). Why not? Because your answer is not the only, ...
environ un mois il y a | 1
Why does MATLAB get stuck in the "Initializing" or "Busy" state or take a long time to start?
Also see the answer Ethan got from tech support on this issue:
environ un mois il y a | 0
How to count the amount of small squares in this picture?
See my Image Segmentation Tutorial in my File Exchange: Image Analyst's File Exchange It's a generic, general purpose demo of ...
environ un mois il y a | 0
How would find the average within each region?
Try (untested) function blockMean = recursiveSplit(img, origin, sizeBlock, threshold) % Extract the current block x = origin(...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
| A accepté
how can i read letters from an input and make them numbers to make an array from those numbers
Try this: validInputs = {'AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DE', 'AD'}; selectedIndex = listdlg("PromptString",'Select an option', 'ListString...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
How can I adjust the settings so that the following heatmap retains most of the details?
Please change the subject line of your post because it's not informative. You can set the heatmap to whatever you want. If l...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
i need help with this code please
You can use the AI Chat Playground to get you started.
environ 2 mois il y a | 1
| A accepté
Identifying and extracting clusters of points from image
If you know the number of clusters, then kmeans or knnsearch might be the way to go, or even SVM (support vector machine). If y...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
cannot find function even it is in path
If you try to run a script that is not in the current folder or on the path, it will popup a message prompting you to change the...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0