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I Just Paid over $200 to Reinstall my home version of Matlab, but it tells me my i can not install any new version of Matlab. If that is the case i need a refund on my money.
You should have a contact with the MathWorks office from which you made a purchace of your MATLAB. There are people responsible...

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https://jp.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/378779-why-do-i-get-undefined-function-or-variable-pathtool にた物がありました。再インストールが良い...

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画像のネットワークを利用して、trainNetwork 関数で学習する場合は cell が引数として適当では無いです。こちら から対応している型 (datastore等) を確認し、cell を変換すれば利用できると思います。 c = {[1 2;3 4...

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How to interpolate a set of data with the cubic method?
I would use Symbolic Math Toolbox to solve the problem analytically: x = [74 29 21 12 8 5.7 4.4 3.6 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.0 0.7]; y = ...

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I'm new in using Matlab and I'm very confused of how I would solve a derivative problem. Here is the equations and problem
You are using the capabilities of Symbolic Math Toolbox and with this you can manupulate your equations symbolically. Let's def...

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how to write a function for quadratic equation?
You can check the arguments before evaluating your statements this way: [x1,x2] = f(1,-2,1) [x1,x2] = f(0,-2,1) function [x...

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A résolu

Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Given an input vector |F| containing temperature values in Fahrenheit, return an output vector |C| that contains the values in C...

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Calculate Amount of Cake Frosting
Given two input variables r and h, which stand for the radius and height of a cake, calculate the surface area of the cake you n...

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Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

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Best Variable Type to Store and Plot Multiple Images Obtained with Regularized Filtering
When the images you are storing in a variable are consistent size-wise, a standard array is good enough. Imagine that your imag...

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What is the architectural difference between using `feedforwardnet` and `fitcnet`?
feedforwardnet is for regression problems whereas fitcnet is for classification problems.

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extract numbers from a string.
You can use pattern: pat = digitsPattern(4); % Pattern str = '"sensor_serials": {"H1": "3637", "H2": "3638", "H3": "2787"}' ...

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How to remove a slash from fullfile?
How about this? wtf= fullfile('C:\\','Users','jessi','Desktop','HydrusMC','Simulations',("MC_"+num2str(1)),'Obs_Node.out')

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how can i plot Confusion matrix by using the predicted and actual data ?
Preddata = [table(Testdata.Loads,predClass),array2table(classifScore)]; It seems the statement above is not right. For confusio...

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Use of RL Agent instead of PID
https://www.mathworks.com/help/reinforcement-learning/examples.html?s_tid=CRUX_topnav You can find many samples. MathWorks prov...

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correlation using specific values of the table
Here is my idea. I reccomend you should use useful functions such as price2ret, corrplot (corr), prctile and the functionality ...

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mtlab入門のプログラミング 判定分岐タスク2に対し解答通りに入力しても、”doPlot が 0 のとき、密度は表示されますか?”が表示される。
disp("The density of" + element ... + " is " + density) から察するに、element は string 型 なのかなと思いました。そうすると xticklabels(elem...

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resubloss の引数は (こちら参照) full-classification model である必要があります。このモデルの中には学習時のデータなどが含まれます。resubloss 関数はこの学習データを利用して再代入誤差率を計算しています。 一...

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(1) 検証データ >> モデルを学習後、モデル選択やパイパーパラメータの決定の時に利用されます。モデルの学習に使われていないので、フェアな比較がモデル間(異なるハイパーパラメータモデル間) で行えます。テストデータ >> 検証データと学習データをモデルを...

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histcount2 を使うと良いかと思います。以下の N でテーブル(行列) を得られます。 https://jp.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/histcounts2.html x = randn(100,1); ...

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I = imread('handicapSign.jpg'); roi = [360 118 384 560]; ocrResults = ocr(I, roi); %ここを変更 Iocr = insertText(I,roi(1:2),ocrRes...

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このあたりの道具を使えば、何とかなるのではと思います: https://www.mathworks.com/discovery/optical-flow.html https://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ref/op...

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ディープラーニングの話かと思いますが、可能です。 結局、特徴抽出を行っている上流側を使って、最後の所で分類にするのか、回帰にするのか、自由に出来ます。 ただ、分類より回帰の方がやる事が難易度が高いので、分類用のネットワークをスタートポイントとしてある程...

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self service checkout machine
How about this? Is this what you expected? change = 978; % Ausie coins coins = [1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200]; numCoins = zeros(si...

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これじゃダメですか? A = [12 -11; -11 12; 8 -11] idx = A>10 A(idx) = A(idx) + 10

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こちらを見ると良いと思います https://jp.mathworks.com/help/images/morphological-dilation-and-erosion.html opening = 収縮の後、膨張 です。 英語だと、erosio...

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how to give value stress from excel give color in my mesh
Not sure what you want to do exactly but it seems this is an application of mesh function. As you can see (click the link), you...

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How can I draw lines between the points of traingle after the final formation. It is a formation control problem I want to make the plot as a moving graph how to make it?
If you want to draw the trajectories of the points, then comet would be a good fit. x = -pi:0.01:pi; y = sin(3*x) + 0.2*cos(4*...

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コードを書かなくても、Live Editor の機能を使えば、そのまま pdf 出力ができます。 Live Editor を開いて % サンプル table データ filename = 'myCsvTable.dat'; % ;を無しにして ...

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Datastore を使うと、ループ無しでスッキリ書けます (Datastore) ds = tabularTextDatastore("*.xlsx",ReadSize="file"); こうすると T = ds.read() % もしくはread...

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