A répondu
Name points on a plot based on their order
you could add the line text(ri(:,1),ri(:,2)+0.05,cellstr(num2str((1:size(ri,1))'))) or text(ri(:,1),ri(:,2)+0.05,strsplit(num...

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Traslate and Rotate a point cloud
if you have a matrix nx3, with each row being one set of point corrdinates you can translate first and rotate afterwards using s...

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Replacing special character 'É' to 'E'
looks like there are only manual solutions. Stackoverflow is your friend ;-) https://stackoverflow.com/a/60181033

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How to find the count of vertical lines in an image using Fourier Transform in MATLAB?
% create sample image imgLine=repmat([ones(1,5) zeros(1,20)],[1 10]); % shift it a bit to force broken (incomplete) lines i...

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A répondu
Sorting group position from 1
i think you are searching for this: [~,~,c]=unique([2 3 2 1],'stable') [~,~,c]=unique([3 3 1 2],'stable')

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How to filter out files with a list of specific string in UIGETFILE command?
you can provide mutiple filters to choose from: uigetfile({'EFA*.xls;EFB*.xls'},'Select a File'); this shows EFA*.xls files an...

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A répondu
Hold on and Hold off command keeps all plots on subsequent graphs
do you want the second part into another axes or also into another figure? syms x eqn1 = x^2*cos(x); d_eqn1 = diff(eqn1,x); ...

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How to compare blank spaces in arrays?
use this a=["red","blue","green","yellow"]; b=["orange","","","purple"]; c=a(b=="")

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error in prctile function?
did you read the documentation? there is an example given for the interpolation and how the given numbers may be distributed. Yo...

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Abbreviate regexp: match a if present, else match b
dear community, can someone abbreviate the follwing if else in a single regexp? str1='this is } and this is }, and this is }';...

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write a function to return next value each time only nonzeros
if I understand correctly you want the function the be able to remember how often the function was called. each time the next no...

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A répondu
The description of interp said, 'interp inserts zeros into the original signal and then applies a lowpass interpolating filter to the expanded sequence'
the description says it inserts zeros AND applies the filter for interpolation. of course the filter changes the zero values. ...

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A répondu
How to set position of the legend outside the axes?
add a Name-Value pair to your legend command, e.g. legend('Location','eastoutside')

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How do you remove tick marks (not labels) from a colorbar?
try c=colobar; c.TickLength=0;

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FFT on Image Time Series
if the object of your camera is more or less static and illuminated with a temporally modulated light source and you are intere...

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Issue with reading text value from a cell in MS Excel using readmatrix
if i am not mistaken, readmatrix expects numbers for each entry, so the numbers can be but into a matrix. if your data contains ...

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Matlab keeps giving me error for invalid syntax! I don't understand why
looks like you are missing a comma if d>0 fprintf('Le soluzioni distinte sono %12.2f \n',A1 , A2) ...

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Store one vector range inside another
put the : range expression in the braces to select a range if a vector: vec=1:10 part=vec(5:8)

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Changing pixel colors of .JPG image produces weird colors
dont forget to set all 3 channels of the rgb image to 0 by using e.g. app.newImage(:, round(col),:) = 0

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A répondu
Plot figure for certain elements of readtable output
you can use directly index the variables of the table: tbl=table(); tbl.long=[1 2 3 4 4 4]; tbl.lat=[34 56 57 72 44 124]; ...

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delete row in matrix if value in another matrix is unique
you want to delete entries when the number is repeated first? firstVec=[5 3 5 1 7 9 3 1 4]; secVector=1:numel(firstVec) [~,...

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Extracting only some cell arrays from a cell- based on a double array
something like this: yourCell=cellstr(num2str((1:29)'))' someOfThemIdx=[ 1 3 15 19 20 29]; someOfThem=yourCell(someOfThemIdx)...

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Return values from uifigure by pressing OK button
if you nest functions in functions, you can directly use the defined variables. note also the uiwait to wait for the functio nre...

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A répondu
How do I create a graph similar to that of the example below?
you could do like this loglog([ 10^2 10^2 10^4 10^4 10^2],[ 10^4 10^6 10^6 10^4 10^4]); hold on; loglog([ 1 10^2 10^4 10^4],[...

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A répondu
How to create image from arrays by random themself ?
a = [119 79 76 101 119 99 72 77 94 82 76 84 92 86 63 54 45 47 59 69 56 59 52 48 48 41 41 38 41 42 38 42 36 30 35 17 23 29 29 31 ...

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How to find column where 0 turns to 1 for each row
yourMat=[0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0]; where=arrayfun(@(idx)find(diff(yourMat(idx,:))==1,1,'first')+1,1:size(your...

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Printing figure alters content details
couldn't find a professional solution for this, but here is a ugly one by including the colormap as pixel values. imwrite should...

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using multiple else if
the reason the variables are not recognized is, that the depending on your if clause, another variable is created (the created v...

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Warning: Unable to play audio because no audio outputs were found.
anything new on this topic? can't make matlab to play sounds again, there are audio devices available, resetting/rehashing has n...

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how to return cell array with varargout?
if i understand you cirrectly, you want as dynamic output variable varargout, and each of the given should/can be a cell itself ...

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