how to create different matrices?
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i have 30,000 rand value that i want to separate 400 to 400...then i wanna plot them but the x axis should start at 0 not 400 or 800 or...any help please?
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Réponse acceptée
le 7 Déc 2022
you could split them into multiple 400x1 vectors by this
you can then get each vector using indexing data(:,:,idx)
for idx=1%:75 % commented out to avoid to much plotting here
% saveas(gcf,[num2str(idx),'.jpg']);
11 commentaires
le 7 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : DGM
le 7 Déc 2022
You can do that, but you'll have to figure out how you want the image shaped, whether you want the ticks plotted, etc.
npoints = 30000; % or some multiple of 400
blocklen = 400;
startidx = 0;
% generate x,y
x = startidx:startidx+npoints-1;
y = rand(npoints,1);
% reshape
x = reshape(x,blocklen,[]);
y = reshape(y,blocklen,[]);
% plot and capture
nframes = size(x,2);
allframes = cell(nframes,1);
for k = 1:nframes
allframes{k} = frame2im(getframe(gcf));
This will save all the frames in a cell array. Alternatively, you can write them using imwrite().
Note that as images, the details of the start/end indices is moot, since the ticks aren't going to show that detail well enough for anyone to tell. You could always try to enforce the exact axis limits, but it's still not going to help much.
% place this in the loop between plotting and capture
xlim(x([1 end],k))
ylim([0 1])
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