Mark McBroom
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I am an Application Engineering Manager at MathWorks.
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How to configure the encoder to use C-code standard data type keywords?
You can use standard C99 data types in the generated code. See this link: https://www.mathworks.com/help/ecoder/ug/control-dat...
13 jours il y a | 0
What are the distribution rights for the header files used by autocoded Simulink models?
There are no restrictions on sharing the generic header files.
27 jours il y a | 0
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speedgoat remote DDS communication
I am not sure what you mean by a "DDS router". Other DDS participants can communicate with the speedgoat via an Ethernet connec...
27 jours il y a | 0
Code generation in jenkins pipeline
Also ensure that MATLAB Coder/Simulink Coder/Embedded Coder is installed on the jenkins machine.
4 mois il y a | 0
Inlined tunable parameter values because of using different data type then double-precision
You can either set the data to the proper data type in the data dictionary, or you can cast the value in the block dialog. For ...
4 mois il y a | 0
Why does code generated by Embedded Coder change when subsystem does not change?
The code from a subsystem model can change if the parent model changes, even if no changes were made to the subsystem. During t...
4 mois il y a | 0
Matlab's Simulink UDP send to unity
Ive not worked with unity, but have you tried just sending and receiving a float? Simulink can do this no problem. This would...
4 mois il y a | 0
Realtime streaming in Simulink?
Constant blocks are only updated with new workspace vaues if the Simulink model is: paused, Model Update, and then resumed. A b...
4 mois il y a | 0
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Embedded Coder shall use an externally implemented nested struct for read and write access (in place) in it's generated code which is written in C.
A couple of ideas. It sounds like the functional call sub-system is set to be reusable. Try to make it non-reusable. Follow t...
5 mois il y a | 0
About legacy code: can you go from labview to simulink via dlls?
Try generating an FMU from your Simulink model and then using that FMU in Labview https://www.mathworks.com/help/slcompiler/gs/...
5 mois il y a | 0
Stateflow: reset simulink-based state on entry
Did you try putting a reset subsystem in the Simulink subsystem to reset the state? https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/...
6 mois il y a | 0
Header files not generated
You are correct. Those files are not generated but rather are shipped with Simulink Coder/Embedded Coder.
6 mois il y a | 0
Is it possible to use Simulink's DDS BlockSet to communicate between two Simulink models on two computers?
You can use Simulink to exchange DDS messages from 2 or more different Simulink models using External mode. These Simuilnk mode...
8 mois il y a | 0
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How to call a DLL sub-function in Simulink EML suitable for use in accelerated models & generated code
coder.ceval() is the approach to use for this. https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/incorporate-c-code-using-a-matlab-fun...
9 mois il y a | 0
Solver library while converting from Simulink to C
The normal approach is to first select a solver that provides the best results when testing the model in simulation mode. You s...
10 mois il y a | 0
Configuring Embedded Coder to Generate Non-Static Initialize Method in C++ Code
It sounds like you are not using Embedded Coder ( ert.tlc ). Embedded Coder should generate the public methods Initialize(), st...
10 mois il y a | 0
SIMULINK testing a model that has bus input and output ports
If you already have a Simulink.Bus defined, another approach is to place a constant block in the Simulink model, set its value t...
10 mois il y a | 0
Codebeamer RMI - Matlab Simulink Integration Error
If you have followed the steps described below and continue to have issues, I suggest you contact Codebeamer. Codebeamer - Si...
10 mois il y a | 0
Import to digsilent a dll generated starting from embedded coder in Simulink
Knowledge Base PowerFactory - DIgSILENT
10 mois il y a | 1
FastDDS ShapesDemo Can not Communicate with DDS Blockset ShapesDemo
What is the stop time for the Simuilnk model? Set it to "inf" and regenerate code.
11 mois il y a | 0
How can I check the performance of a simulink model, which should be compiled for embedded hardware later?
You can measure execution time of the generated code on the host computer or on the targer processor using SIL or PIL mode and t...
11 mois il y a | 0
Import FMU in simulink FMU block simulation error
Is one of the inputs to the FMU block a bus? If so, as the error message indicates, you need to define a Simulink Bus object an...
11 mois il y a | 0
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Use a compiled Library .a extension in simulink
You can use the C Caller block to call a function that exists in a library. You'll need the header file that defines the functi...
11 mois il y a | 0
Improving runtime of Simulink model
Use Simulink Profiler to determine which part of the model is consuming the most execution time: https://www.mathworks.com/help...
11 mois il y a | 0
how to define the output of a system object as a bus element in simulink?
create a Simulink Bus with the same layout as the MATLAB structure you are creating in your system object. Set the type of the ...
11 mois il y a | 0
State machine transition with bus data
Try creating a Simuilnk.Bus in base workspace (or Simulink data dictionary) that has the desired fields (abcSeqOK, etc). Then ...
11 mois il y a | 0
Errors encountered while building custom code simulation target for model (using "C Function" and Error message with garbled code)
You mention that there is no problem building the code in VS. In VS, are there any compiler or linker flags defined? If so, ad...
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Running batch script generated from embedded coder on command line gives error
Best guess is that MATLAB is adding some directories to the Windows PATH environment variable for the TI compiler. At the MATLA...
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Embedded Coder changes function names from step to output
Not sure how the method name changed to output ... the default should still be step(). However, you can easily change back to "...
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Check model version consistency between generated code and model
I do not think the Model version is available, however, you can use get_param(model,'ModelVersion") from the model, and then com...
environ un an il y a | 0
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