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Update Polyspace Products

This topic describes how to update Polyspace® products for static analysis (Bug Finder and Code Prover) and dynamic testing (Polyspace Test™) on a desktop or server machine. To update Polyspace Access™, see Install Update or Upgrade to New Version of Polyspace Access (Polyspace Access).

Follow these steps to install the most recent updates for these Polyspace products:

  • Polyspace Bug Finder™

  • Polyspace Bug Finder Server™

  • Polyspace Code Prover™

  • Polyspace Code Prover Server

  • Polyspace Test

Close all running sessions of Polyspace, then run the update installer binary. Each update includes all the fixes from previous updates. For example, if you install update 3, you also get all the fixes from updates 1 and 2.

Run the update installer with a graphical interface if you are installing updates on a machine with an internet connection and a display. To install updates on a machine with no internet connection or a machine with no display, download the update package and then run the update installer silently.

To update multiple Polyspace base products, run the update installer for each base product. For example, to update Polyspace Test and Polyspace Bug Finder Server, run the update installer twice, once for each instance.

If you offload your Polyspace analysis from a client machine to a server machine, update Polyspace on both the client and server machines. The versions of Polyspace on the client and server machines must match. See Send Polyspace Analysis from Desktop to Remote Servers.


  • This update procedure is for R2019a and later releases only.

  • To download results stored in Polyspace Access version R2022a Update 1 or later by using the polyspace-access -download command, update the Polyspace product that you run the command from to version R2022a Update 1 or later. See polyspace-access (Polyspace Access).

Install Update on Machine with a Display and Internet Connection

From a terminal command line, navigate to the update binary and run it. This table shows the path and filename of the update binary depending on your platform and Polyspace version.

Platform Prior to R2023aSince R2023a

Here, polyspaceroot is the Polyspace installation folder, for example C:\Progam Files\Polyspace\R2024b.

Alternatively, open the update installer folder in a file explorer then double-click the binary. To complete the update, follow the prompts in the user interface.

Install Update Silently


Starting in R2023a, you can follow this procedure only if you are a license administrator.

To identify the license administrator for a license, log into the MathWorks® License Center, click the row for the relevant license, and select the Contact Administrator(s) tab.

If the Polyspace software that you want to update is installed on a machine with no internet connection or a machine without a display such as a server, run the update installer silently.

Download the Update Package

  1. On a machine that is connected to the internet and has a display, go to the MathWorks downloads page. From the I Want To list, select Get Updates and then from the Select Release list, choose the release for which you want to apply an update.

  2. Expand the Get Updates for Polyspace Products section and then click Get Update Packages for Offline Installation. Starting in R2023a, the link is visible only if you are logged in as a license administrator.

  3. Select the platform on which you want to apply the update, and then click Download.

  4. Copy the zipped file that you downloaded in the previous step to the machine where you want to apply the update.

Apply Polyspace Update

  1. On the machine where you copied the update package, unzip the update package to a new folder. For example, if you copied the zipped update package to /tmp on Linux, execute this command to unzip the package to new folder R2024b_Update_1:

     unzip /tmp/ -d R2024b_Update_1
    The command unzips the package to folder R2024b_Update_1 in the current directory.

  2. Navigate to the update installer binary for your platform and release and run the binary with the appropriate option:

    Platform Prior to R2023aSince R2023a
    cd polyspaceroot\bin\win64
    update_installer.exe -updatepackage updatePkg 
    cd updatePkg\bin\win64
    MathWorksUpdateInstaller.exe --destination polyspaceroot
    cd polyspaceroot/bin/glnxa64
    ./update_installer -updatepackage updatePkg
    cd updatePkg
    ./MathWorksUpdateInstaller --destination polyspaceroot
    cd polyspaceroot/bin/maci64
    ./update_installer -updatepackage updatePkg
    cd updatePkg/bin/maci64
    ./MathWorksUpdateInstaller --destination polyspaceroot

    Here, polyspaceroot is the Polyspace installation folder, for example /usr/local/Polyspace/R2024b, and updatePkg is the folder where you unzipped the update package in the previous step, for example /tmp/R2024b_Update_1.

Check Update Installer Log and Update Version

To see the installation status if you run the update installer silently, or to check for errors in the installation update process, open the update installer log file. The update installer log is in your platform temporary folder.

Platform Path to Log File




You can also inspect the update log while the installer is running. For example, when installing the update on Windows, use this command:

MathWorksUpdateInstaller.exe --destination polyspaceroot; get-content -Last 1 $env:TEMP\mathworks_$env:USERNAME.log -wait
When installing the update on Linux or macOS, use this command:
./MathWorksUpdateInstaller --destination polyspaceroot & tail -f /tmp/mathworks_$USER.log
To stop the log output to the terminal after the update installation completes, press Ctrl+ C.

To check the Polyspace update version, go to the Polyspace installation folder and open the file VersionInfo.xml in a text editor. The update version is listed inside the <description><description/> tags. For example:

<description>Update 1</description>
If no update is installed, the <description><description/> tags are empty.

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