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Saisie des commandes
Lorsque vous travaillez dans MATLAB, vous entrez des commandes qui créent des variables et appellent des fonctions. Pour une introduction, consultez Enter Statements in Command Window.
ans | Most recent answer |
clc | Effacer la fenêtre de commande |
diary | Log Command Window text to file |
format | Set output display format |
home | Send cursor home |
iskeyword | Determine if input is MATLAB keyword |
more | Control paged output in Command Window |
commandwindow | Select the Command Window |
commandhistory | Open Command History window |
DisplayFormatOptions | Output display format in Command Window (depuis R2021a) |
- Enter Statements in Command Window
Enter individual statements in the Command Window while working in MATLAB.
- Format Output
Format the output display in the Command Window and the Live Editor.
- Appel de fonctions
MATLAB propose de nombreuses fonctions qui exécutent des tâches de calcul. Pour appeler une fonction, mettez ses arguments d’entrée entre parenthèses.
- Stop Execution
Stop the execution of a MATLAB command.
- Rerun Favorite Commands
A MATLAB favorite command is an easy way to run a group of MATLAB commands that you use regularly.
- Write to a Diary File
Use the
function to keep an activity log of your MATLAB session. - Find Text in Command Window or History
Search text currently in the Command Window or Command History Window.
- Set Command Window Preferences
Specify appearance and behavior of the Command Window and its output.
- Set Command History Preferences
Specify how often to save automatically the history file and the types of statements to exclude.
- Set Keyboard Preferences
Settings for delimiter matching in the Command Window, Editor, and Live Editor.
Résolution des problèmes
Resolve Error: Undefined Function or Variable
Troubleshoot error message related to undefined function or variable.