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Traitement des erreurs

Générer, détecter et traiter les avertissements et les erreurs

Pour rendre votre code plus robuste, recherchez les cas limites et les conditions problématiques. L’approche la plus simple consiste à utiliser une instruction if ou switch pour rechercher une condition spécifique puis à générer une erreur ou un avertissement. Les instructions try/catch permettent de détecter n’importe quelle erreur et d’y répondre.

Syntaxe du langage MATLAB

try, catchExecute statements and catch resulting errors


errorThrow error and display message
warningDisplay warning message
lastwarnLast warning message
assertThrow error if condition false
onCleanupCleanup tasks upon function completion


  • Issue Warnings and Errors

    To flag unexpected conditions when running a program, issue a warning. To flag fatal problems within the program, throw an error. Unlike warnings, errors halt the execution of a program.

  • Suppress Warnings

    Your program might issue warnings that do not always adversely affect execution. To avoid confusion, you can hide warning messages during execution by changing their states from 'on' to 'off'.

  • Restore Warnings

    You can save the warning current states, modify warning states, and restore the original warning states. This technique is useful if you temporarily turn off some warnings and later reinstate the original settings.

  • Change How Warnings Display

    You can control how warnings appear in MATLAB®, including the display of warning suppression information and stack traces.

  • Use try/catch to Handle Errors

    Use a try/catch statement to execute code after your program encounters an error.

  • Clean Up When Functions Complete

    It is a good programming practice to leave your program environment in a clean state that does not interfere with any other program code.

Informations connexes