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Visualisez des polygones en deux et trois dimensions. Vous pouvez spécifier des polygones par les coordonnées de leurs sommets et en combiner plusieurs pour visualiser des objets complexes.
fill | Create filled 2-D patches |
fill3 | Create filled 3-D patches |
patch | Create patches of colored polygons |
surf2patch | Convert surface data to patch data |
Patch Properties | Patch appearance and behavior |
Polygon Properties | Polygon appearance and behavior |
- Introduction to Patch Objects
A patch graphics object is composed of one or more polygons that may or may not be connected. Patches are useful for modeling real-world objects and for drawing 2- or 3-D polygons.
- Multifaceted Patches
This example shows how to define a 3-D patch object and illustrates flat and interpolated face coloring.
- How Patch Data Relates to a Colormap
Control the relationship between patches and the colormap.
- Differences Between Colormaps and Truecolor
Decide whether to use a colormap or truecolor in your visualizations.
- Displaying Complex Three-Dimensional Objects
This example shows how to create and display a complex three dimensional object and control its appearance.