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Techniques for Using Events and Listeners

Example Overview

This example defines two classes:

  • fcneval — The function evaluator class contains a MATLAB® expression and evaluates this expression over a specified range

  • fcnview — The function viewer class contains a fcneval object and displays surface graphs of the evaluated expression using the data contained in fcneval.

This class defines two events:

  • A class-defined event that occurs when a new value is specified for the MATLAB function

  • A property event that occurs when the property containing the limits is changed

The following diagram shows the relationship between the two objects. The fcnview object contains a fcneval object and creates graphs from the data it contains. fcnview creates listeners to change the graphs if any of the data in the fcneval object change.

Events and listeners defined for fcneval and fcenview

Techniques Demonstrated in This Example

  • Naming an event in the class definition

  • Triggering an event by calling notify

  • Enabling a property event via the SetObservable attribute

  • Creating listeners for class-defined events and property PostSet events

  • Defining listener callback functions that accept additional arguments

  • Enabling and disabling listeners

Summary of fcneval Class

The fcneval class evaluates a MATLAB expression over a specified range of two variables. The fcneval is the source of the data that objects of the fcnview class graph as a surface. fcneval is the source of the events used in this example. For a listing of the class definition, see @fcneval/fcneval.m Class Code

FofXYfunction handleMATLAB expression (function of two variables).
Lmtwo-element vectorLimits over which function is evaluated in both variables. SetObservable attribute set to true to enable property event listeners.
Datastructure with x, y, and z matricesData resulting from evaluating the function. Used for surface graph. Dependent attribute set to true, which means the get.Data method is called to determine property value when queried and no data is stored.

EventWhen Triggered
UpdateGraphFofXY property set function (set.FofXY) calls the notify method when a new value is specified for the MATLAB expression on an object of this class.

fcnevalClass constructor. Inputs are function handle and two-element vector specifying the limits over which to evaluate the function.
set.FofXYFofXY property set function. Called whenever property value is set, including during object construction.
set.LmLm property set function. Used to test for valid limits.
get.DataData property get function. This method calculates the values for the Data property whenever that data is queried (by class members or externally).
gridA static method (Static attribute set to true) used in the calculation of the data.

Summary of fcnview Class

Objects of the fcnview class contain fcneval objects as the source of data for the four surface graphs created in a function view. fcnview creates the listeners and callback functions that respond to changes in the data contained in fcneval objects. For a listing of the class definition, see @fcnview/fcnview.m Class Code

FcnObjectfcneval objectThis object contains the data that is used to create the function graphs.
HAxesaxes handleEach instance of a fcnview object stores the handle of the axes containing its subplot.
HLUpdateGraphevent.listener object for UpdateGraph eventSetting the event.listener object's Enabled property to true enables the listener; false disables listener.
HLLmevent.listener object for Lm property eventSetting the event.listener object's Enabled property to true enables the listener, false disables listener.
HEnableCmuimenu handleItem on context menu used to enable listeners (used to handle checked behavior)
HDisableCmuimenu handleItem on context menu used to disable listeners (used to manage checked behavior)
HSurfacesurface handleUsed by event callbacks to update surface data.

fcnviewClass constructor. Input is fcneval object.
createLisnCalls addlistener to create listeners for UpdateGraph and Lm property PostSet listeners.
limsSets axes limits to current value of fcneval object's Lm property. Used by event handlers.
updateSurfaceDataUpdates the surface data without creating a new object. Used by event handlers.
listenUpdateGraphCallback for UpdateGraph event.
listenLmCallback for Lm property PostSet event
deleteDelete method for fcnview class.
createViewsStatic method that creates an instance of the fcnview class for each subplot, defines the context menus that enable/disable listeners, and creates the subplots

Methods Inherited from Handle Class

Both the fcneval and fcnview classes inherit methods from the handle class. The following table lists only those inherited methods used in this example.

Handle Class Methods provides a complete list of methods that are inherited when you subclass the handle class.

Methods Inherited from Handle ClassPurpose
addlistenerRegister a listener for a specific event and attach listener to event-defining object.
notifyTrigger an event and notify all registered listeners.

Using the fcneval and fcnview Classes

This section explains how to use the classes.

  • Create an instance of the fcneval class to contain the MATLAB expression of a function of two variables and the range over which you want to evaluate this function

  • Use the fcnview class static function createViews to visualize the function

  • Change the MATLAB expression or the limits contained by the fcneval object and all the fcnview objects respond to the events generated.

You create a fcneval object by calling its constructor with two arguments—an anonymous function and a two-element, monotonically increasing vector. For example:

feobject = fcneval(@(x,y) x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2),[-2 2]);

Use the createViews static method to create the graphs of the function. Use the class name to call a static function:


The createView method generates four views of the function contained in the fcneval object.

Four graphs of the function defined by fcneval

Each subplot defines a context menu that can enable and disable the listeners associated with that graph. For example, if you disable the listeners on subplot 221 (upper left) and change the MATLAB expression contained by the fcneval object, only the remaining three subplots update when the UpdateGraph event is triggered:

feobject.FofXY = @(x,y) x.*exp(-x.^.5-y.^.5);

Updates to three graphs of the function defined by fcneval

Similarly, if you change the limits by assigning a value to the feobject.Lm property, the feobject triggers a PostSet property event and the listener callbacks update the graph.

feobject.Lm = [-8 3];

Graphs with updated limits

In this figure, the listeners are reenabled via the context menu for subplot 221. Because the listener callback for the property PostSet event also updates the surface data, all views are now synchronized

Implement UpdateGraph Event and Listener

The UpdateGraph event occurs when the MATLAB representation of the mathematical function contained in the fcneval object is changed. The fcnview objects that contain the surface graphs are listening for this event, so they can update the graphs to represent the new function.

Define and Trigger UpdateGraph Event

The UpdateGraph event is a class-defined event. The fcneval class names the event and calls notify when the event occurs.

Diagram of UpdateGraph event and listener

The fcnview class defines a listener for this event. When fcneval triggers the event, the fcnview listener executes a callback function that performs the follow actions:

  • Determines if the handle of the surface object stored by the fcnview object is still valid (that is, does the object still exist)

  • Updates the surface XData, YData, and ZData by querying the fcneval object's Data property.

The fcneval class defines an event name in an event block:


Determine When to Trigger Event

The fcneval class defines a property set method for the FofXY property. FofXY is the property that stores the MATLAB expression for the mathematical function. This expression must be a valid MATLAB expression for a function of two variables.

The set.FofXY method:

  • Determines the suitability of the expression

  • If the expression is suitable:

    • Assigns the expression to the FofXY property

    • Triggers the UpdateGraph event

If fcneval.isSuitable does not return an MException object, the set.FofXY method assigns the value to the property and triggers the UpdateGraph event.

function set.FofXY(obj,func)
% Determine if function is suitable to create a surface
   me = fcneval.isSuitable(func);
   if ~isempty(me)
% Assign property value
   obj.FofXY = func; 
% Trigger UpdateGraph event

Determine Suitability of Expression

The set.FofXY method calls a static method (fcneval.isSuitable) to determine the suitability of the specified expression. fcneval.isSuitable returns an MException object if it determines that the expression is unsuitable. fcneval.isSuitable calls the MException constructor directly to create more useful error messages for the user.

set.FofXY issues the exception using the throw method. Issuing the exception terminates execution of set.FofXY and prevents the method from making an assignment to the property or triggering the UpdateGraph event.

Here is the fcneval.isSuitable method:

function isOk = isSuitable(funcH)
   v = [1 1;1 1];
   % Can the expression except 2 numeric inputs
      me = MException('DocExample:fcneval',...
         ['The function ',func2str(funcH),' Is not a suitable F(x,y)']);
      isOk = me;
   % Does the expression return non-scalar data
   if isscalar(funcH(v,v));
      me = MException('DocExample:fcneval',...
         ['The function ',func2str(funcH),'' Returns a scalar when evaluated']);
      isOk = me;
   isOk = [];

The fcneval.isSuitable method could provide additional test to ensure that the expression assigned to the FofXY property meets the criteria required by the class design.

Other Approaches

The class could have implemented a property set event for the FofXY property and would, therefore, not need to call notify (see Listen for Changes to Property Values). Defining a class event provides more flexibility in this case because you can better control event triggering.

For example, suppose that you wanted to update the graph only if the new data is different. If the new expression produced the same data within some tolerance, the set.FofXY method could not trigger the event and avoid updating the graph. However, the method could still set the property to the new value.

Listener and Callback for UpdateGraph Event

The fcnview class creates a listener for the UpdateGraph event using the addlistener method:

obj.HLUpdateGraph = addlistener(obj.FcnObject,'UpdateGraph',...
            @(src,evnt)listenUpdateGraph(obj,src,evnt)); % Add obj to argument list

The fcnview object stores a handle to the event.listener object in its HLUpdateGraph property, which is used to enable/disable the listener by a context menu (see Enable and Disable Listeners).

The fcnview object (obj) is added to the two default arguments (src, evnt) passed to the listener callback. Keep in mind, the source of the event (src) is the fcneval object, but the fcnview object contains the handle of the surface object that the callback updates.

The listenUpdateGraph function is defined as follows:

function listenUpdateGraph(obj,src,evnt)
   if ishandle(obj.HSurface) % If surface exists
      obj.updateSurfaceData % Update surface data

The updateSurfaceData function is a class method that updates the surface data when a different mathematical function is assigned to the fcneval object. Updating a graphics object data is more efficient than creating a new object using the new data:

function updateSurfaceData(obj)
% Get data from fcneval object and set surface data

The PostSet Event Listener

All properties support the predefined PostSet event (See Property-Set and Query Events for more information on property events). This example uses the PostSet event for the fcneval Lm property. This property contains a two-element vector specifying the range over which the mathematical function is evaluated. Just after this property is changed (by a statement like obj.Lm = [-3 5];), the fcnview objects listening for this event update the graph to reflect the new data.

Diagram of PostSet event for Lm property

Sequence During the Lm Property Assignment

The fcneval class defines a set function for the Lm property. When a value is assigned to this property during object construction or property reassignment, the following sequence occurs:

  1. An attempt is made to assign argument value to Lm property.

  2. The set.Lm method executes to check whether the value is in appropriate range — if yes, it makes assignment, if no, it generates an error.

  3. If the value of Lm is set successfully, MATLAB triggers a PostSet event.

  4. All listeners execute their callbacks, but the order is nondeterministic.

The PostSet event does not occur until an actual assignment of the property occurs. The property set function provides an opportunity to deal with potential assignment errors before the PostSet event occurs.

Enable PostSet Property Event

To create a listener for the PostSet event, you must set the property's SetObservable attribute to true:

properties (SetObservable = true)
   Lm = [-2*pi 2*pi];  % specifies default value

MATLAB automatically triggers the event so it is not necessary to call notify.

Property Attributes provides a list of all property attributes.

Listener and Callback for PostSet Event

The fcnview class creates a listener for the PostSet event using the addlistener method:

obj.HLLm = addlistener(obj.FcnObject,'Lm','PostSet',...
            @(src,evnt)listenLm(obj,src,evnt)); % Add obj to argument list

The fcnview object stores a handle to the event.listener object in its HLLm property, which is used to enable/disable the listener by a context menu (see Enable and Disable Listeners).

The fcnview object (obj) is added to the two default arguments (src, evnt) passed to the listener callback. Keep in mind, the source of the event (src) is the fcneval object, but the fcnview object contains the handle of the surface object that the callback updates.

The callback sets the axes limits and updates the surface data because changing the limits causes the mathematical function to be evaluated over a different range:

function listenLm(obj,src,evnt)
   if ishandle(obj.HAxes) % If there is an axes
      lims(obj); % Update its limits
      if ishandle(obj.HSurface) % If there is a surface
         obj.updateSurfaceData % Update its data

Enable and Disable Listeners

Each fcnview object stores the handle of the listener objects it creates so that the listeners can be enabled or disabled via a context menu after the graphs are created. All listeners are instances of the event.listener class, which defines a property called Enabled. By default, this property has a value of true, which enables the listener. If you set this property to false, the listener still exists, but is disabled. This example creates a context menu active on the axes of each graph that provides a way to change the value of the Enabled property.

Context Menu Callback

There are two callbacks used by the context menu corresponding to the two items on the menu:

  • Listen — Sets the Enabled property for both the UpdateGraph and PostSet listeners to true and adds a check mark next to the Listen menu item.

  • Don't Listen — Sets the Enabled property for both the UpdateGraph and PostSet listeners to false and adds a check mark next to the Don't Listen menu item.

Both callbacks include the fcnview object as an argument (in addition to the required source and event data arguments) to provide access to the handle of the listener objects.

The enableLisn function is called when the user selects Listen from the context menu.

function enableLisn(obj,src,evnt)
   obj.HLUpdateGraph.Enabled = true; % Enable listener
   obj.HLLm.Enabled = true; % Enable listener
   set(obj.HEnableCm,'Checked','on') % Check Listen
   set(obj.HDisableCm,'Checked','off') % Uncheck Don't Listen

The disableLisn function is called when the user selects Don't Listen from the context menu.

function disableLisn(obj,src,evnt)
   obj.HLUpdateGraph.Enabled = false; % Disable listener
   obj.HLLm.Enabled = false; % Disable listener
   set(obj.HEnableCm,'Checked','off') % Uncheck Listen
   set(obj.HDisableCm,'Checked','on') % Check Don't Listen

@fcneval/fcneval.m Class Code

classdef fcneval < handle
   properties (SetObservable = true)
      Lm = [-2*pi 2*pi]
   end % properties SetObservable = true
   properties (Dependent = true)
      function obj = fcneval(fcn_handle,limits)
         if nargin > 0
            obj.FofXY = fcn_handle;
            obj.Lm = limits;
      function set.FofXY(obj,func)
         me = fcneval.isSuitable(func);
         if ~isempty(me)
         obj.FofXY = func;
      function set.Lm(obj,lim)  
         if  ~(lim(1) < lim(2))
            error('Limits must be monotonically increasing')
            obj.Lm = lim;
      function data = get.Data(obj)   
         [x,y] = fcneval.grid(obj.Lm);  
         matrix = obj.FofXY(x,y);
         data.X = x;
         data.Y = y;
         data.Matrix = real(matrix);  
   end % methods
   methods (Static = true)      
      function [x,y] = grid(lim)
         inc = (lim(2)-lim(1))/20;
         [x,y] = meshgrid(lim(1):inc:lim(2));
      end % grid
      function isOk = isSuitable(funcH)
         v = [1 1;1 1];
         catch  %#ok<CTCH>
            me = MException('DocExample:fcneval',...
               ['The function ',func2str(funcH),' Is not a suitable F(x,y)']);
            isOk = me;
         if isscalar(funcH(v,v));
            me = MException('DocExample:fcneval',...
               ['The function ',func2str(funcH),' Returns a scalar when evaluated']);
            isOk = me;
         isOk = [];

@fcnview/fcnview.m Class Code

classdef fcnview < handle
      FcnObject     % fcneval object
      HAxes         % subplot axes handle
      HLUpdateGraph % UpdateGraph listener handle
      HLLm          % Lm property PostSet listener handle
      HEnableCm     % "Listen" context menu handle
      HDisableCm    % "Don't Listen" context menu handle
      HSurface      % Surface object handle
      function obj = fcnview(fcnobj)
         if nargin > 0
            obj.FcnObject = fcnobj;
      function createLisn(obj)
         obj.HLUpdateGraph = addlistener(obj.FcnObject,'UpdateGraph',...
         obj.HLLm = addlistener(obj.FcnObject,'Lm','PostSet',...
      function lims(obj)
         lmts = obj.FcnObject.Lm;
      function updateSurfaceData(obj)
         data = obj.FcnObject.Data;
      function listenUpdateGraph(obj,~,~)
         if ishandle(obj.HSurface)
      function listenLm(obj,~,~)
         if ishandle(obj.HAxes)
            if ishandle(obj.HSurface)
      function delete(obj)
         if ishandle(obj.HAxes)
   methods (Static)


function createViews(fcnevalobj)
   p = pi; deg = 180/p;
   hfig = figure('Visible','off',...
   for k=4:-1:1
      fcnviewobj(k) = fcnview(fcnevalobj);
      axh = subplot(2,2,k);
      fcnviewobj(k).HAxes = axh;
      hcm(k) = uicontextmenu;
      fcnviewobj(k).HEnableCm = uimenu(hcm(k),...
      fcnviewobj(k).HDisableCm = uimenu(hcm(k),...
         'Label','Don''t Listen',...
      az = p/k*deg;
      title(axh,['View: ',num2str(az),' 30'])
function surfLight(obj,axh)
   obj.HSurface = surface(obj.FcnObject.Data.X,...
      'FaceColor',[.8 .8 0],'EdgeColor',[.3 .3 .2],...
   camlight left; material shiny; grid off
   colormap copper

function enableLisn(obj,~,~)
   obj.HLUpdateGraph.Enabled = true;
   obj.HLLm.Enabled = true;

function disableLisn(obj,~,~)
   obj.HLUpdateGraph.Enabled = false;
   obj.HLLm.Enabled = false;
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