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Delete variable




cdflib.deleteVar(cdfId,varNum) deletes a variable from a Common Data Format (CDF) file.

cdfId identifies the CDF file. varNum is a numeric value that specifies the variable. Variable numbers are zero-based.


Create a CDF, create a variable in the CDF, and then delete it.

cdfId = cdflib.create("your_file.cdf");

% Initially the file contains no variables
info = cdflib.inquire(cdfId)
info = 

  struct with fields:

     encoding: 'IBMPC_ENCODING'
     majority: 'ROW_MAJOR'
       maxRec: -1
      numVars: 0
    numvAttrs: 0
    numgAttrs: 0
% Create a variable in the file
varNum = cdflib.createVar(cdfId,"Time","cdf_int1",1,[],true,[]);

% Retrieve info about the variable in the CDF
varInfo = cdflib.inquireVar(cdfId,varNum)
varInfo = 

  struct with fields:

           name: 'Time'
       datatype: 'cdf_int1'
    numElements: 1
           dims: []
    recVariance: 1
    dimVariance: []
% Delete the variable from the file

% Check to see if the variable was deleted from the file
info = cdflib.inquire(cdfId)
info = 

  struct with fields:

     encoding: 'IBMPC_ENCODING'
     majority: 'ROW_MAJOR'
       maxRec: -1
      numVars: 0
    numvAttrs: 0
    numgAttrs: 0
% Clean up
clear cdfId


This function corresponds to the CDF library C API routine CDFdeletezVar.

To use this function, you must be familiar with the CDF C interface. You can access the CDF documentation at the CDF website.