M = magic(n) returns an
n-by-n matrix constructed from the
integers 1 through
n2 with equal row and column sums.
The order n must be a scalar greater than or equal to
3 in order to create a valid magic square.
Visually examine the patterns in magic square matrices with orders between 9 and 24 using imagesc. The patterns show that magic uses three different algorithms, depending on whether the value of mod(n,4) is 0, 2, or odd.
for n = 1:16
ord = n+8;
m = magic(ord);
axis equal
axis offend
Matrix order, specified as a scalar integer greater than or equal to 3. If
n is complex, not an integer, or not scalar, then
magic converts it into a usable integer with
If you supply n less than 3, then
magic returns either a nonmagic square, or the
degenerate magic squares 1 and
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