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Display, Volume Rendering, and Surfaces

2-D and 3-D medical image display, 3-D surface generation, and volume rendering

Medical Imaging Toolbox™ provides tools to visualize 2-D and 3-D medical image data. Interactively display medical images in the Medical Image Labeler app, which automatically orients images in the anterior/posterior, left/right, and inferior/superior directions. Use volume rendering to visualize volumes in 3-D using display presets or customized display settings. You can also publish snapshot images and animations. Outside the app, you can generate and render surfaces for efficient display or 3-D printing or modeling applications. To get started, see Choose Approach for Medical Image Visualization.


Medical Image LabelerInteractively explore, label, and publish animations of 2-D or 3-D medical image data (Since R2022b)


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implayView 2-D medical image series in Video Viewer app (Since R2023a)
montageDisplay medical image slices or frames as montage in patient coordinates (Since R2023a)
montageDisplay medical image slices or frames as montage in patient coordinates (Since R2023a)
volshowDisplay medical volume in patient coordinates (Since R2023a)
viewer3dCreate 3-D viewer object (Since R2022b)
SurfaceDisplay surface in 3-D viewer (Since R2022b)
sliceViewerBrowse slices of medical image volume in patient coordinates (Since R2023a)
extractIsosurfaceExtract isosurface from volume using marching cubes algorithm (Since R2022b)
dicomContoursExtract ROI data from DICOM-RT structure set (Since R2020a)
createMaskCreate volumetric mask from dicomContours object (Since R2020b)


Volume Rendering

Surface Generation