Assemble finite element matrices
assembles finite element matrices using the input
time or solution specified in the
= assembleFEMatrices(___,state
structure array. The
function uses the time
field of
the structure for time-dependent models and the
solution field u
for nonlinear
models. You can use this argument with any of the
previous syntaxes.
Finite Element Matrices for 2-D Problem
Create a PDE model for the Poisson equation on an L-shaped membrane with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
model = createpde(1); geometryFromEdges(model,@lshapeg); specifyCoefficients(model,"m",0,"d",0,"c",1,"a",0,"f",1); applyBoundaryCondition(model,"Edge",1:model.Geometry.NumEdges, ... "u",0);
Generate a mesh and obtain the default finite element matrices for the problem and mesh.
FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model)
FEM = struct with fields:
K: [401x401 double]
A: [401x401 double]
F: [401x1 double]
Q: [401x401 double]
G: [401x1 double]
H: [80x401 double]
R: [80x1 double]
M: [401x401 double]
Specified Set of Finite Element Matrices
Make computations faster by specifying which finite element matrices to assemble.
Create a transient thermal model and include the geometry of the built-in function squareg
thermalmodel = createpde("thermal","steadystate"); geometryFromEdges(thermalmodel,@squareg);
Plot the geometry with the edge labels.
pdegplot(thermalmodel,"EdgeLabels","on") xlim([-1.1 1.1]) ylim([-1.1 1.1])
Specify the thermal conductivity of the material and the internal heat source.
Set the boundary conditions.
Generate a mesh.
Assemble the stiffness and mass matrices.
FEM_KM = assembleFEMatrices(thermalmodel,"KM")
FEM_KM = struct with fields:
K: [1529x1529 double]
M: [1529x1529 double]
Now, assemble the finite element matrices M, K, A, and F.
FEM_MKAF = assembleFEMatrices(thermalmodel,"MKAF")
FEM_MKAF = struct with fields:
M: [1529x1529 double]
K: [1529x1529 double]
A: [1529x1529 double]
F: [1529x1 double]
The four matrices M, K, A, and F correspond to discretized versions of the PDE coefficients m, c, a, and f. These four matrices also represent the domain of the finite-element model of the PDE. Instead of specifying them explicitly, you can use the domain
FEMd = assembleFEMatrices(thermalmodel,"domain")
FEMd = struct with fields:
M: [1529x1529 double]
K: [1529x1529 double]
A: [1529x1529 double]
F: [1529x1 double]
The four matrices Q, G, H, and R, correspond to discretized versions of q, g, h, and r in the Neumann and Dirichlet boundary condition specification. These four matrices also represent the boundary of the finite-element model of the PDE. Use the boundary
argument to assemble only these matrices.
FEMb = assembleFEMatrices(thermalmodel,"boundary")
FEMb = struct with fields:
H: [74x1529 double]
R: [74x1 double]
G: [1529x1 double]
Q: [1529x1529 double]
Finite Element Matrices with nullspace
and stiff-spring
Create a PDE model for the Poisson equation on an L-shaped membrane with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
model = createpde(1); geometryFromEdges(model,@lshapeg); specifyCoefficients(model,"m",0,"d",0,"c",1,"a",0,"f",1); applyBoundaryCondition(model,"Edge",1:model.Geometry.NumEdges, ... "u",0);
Generate a mesh.
Obtain the finite element matrices after imposing the boundary condition using the null-space approach. This approach eliminates the Dirichlet degrees of freedom and provides a reduced system of equations.
FEMn = assembleFEMatrices(model,"nullspace")
FEMn = struct with fields:
Kc: [321x321 double]
Fc: [321x1 double]
B: [401x321 double]
ud: [401x1 double]
M: [321x321 double]
Obtain the solution to the PDE using the nullspace
finite element matrices.
un = FEMn.B*(FEMn.Kc\FEMn.Fc) + FEMn.ud;
Compare this result to the solution given by solvepde
. The two solutions are identical.
u1 = solvepde(model); norm(un - u1.NodalSolution)
ans = 0
Obtain the finite element matrices after imposing the boundary condition using the stiff-spring approach. This approach retains the Dirichlet degrees of freedom, but imposes a large penalty on them.
FEMs = assembleFEMatrices(model,"stiff-spring")
FEMs = struct with fields:
Ks: [401x401 double]
Fs: [401x1 double]
M: [401x401 double]
Obtain the solution to the PDE using the stiff-spring finite element matrices. This technique gives a less accurate solution.
us = FEMs.Ks\FEMs.Fs; norm(us - u1.NodalSolution)
ans = 0.0098
Finite Element Matrices for Time-Dependent Problem
Assemble finite element matrices for the first and last time steps of a transient structural problem.
Create a transient structural model for solving a solid (3-D) problem.
structuralmodel = createpde("structural","transient-solid");
Create the geometry and include it in the model. Plot the geometry.
gm = multicylinder(0.01,0.05); addVertex(gm,"Coordinates",[0,0,0.05]); structuralmodel.Geometry = gm; pdegplot(structuralmodel,"FaceLabels","on","FaceAlpha",0.5)
Specify Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.
structuralProperties(structuralmodel,"Cell",1,"YoungsModulus",201E9, ... "PoissonsRatio",0.3, ... "MassDensity",7800);
Specify that the bottom of the cylinder is a fixed boundary.
Specify the harmonic pressure on the top of the cylinder.
structuralBoundaryLoad(structuralmodel,"Face",2,... "Pressure",5E7, ... "Frequency",50);
Specify the zero initial displacement and velocity.
structuralIC(structuralmodel,"Displacement",[0;0;0], ... "Velocity",[0;0;0]);
Generate a linear mesh.
generateMesh(structuralmodel,"GeometricOrder","linear"); tlist = linspace(0,1,300);
Assemble the finite element matrices for the initial time step.
state.time = tlist(1); FEM_domain = assembleFEMatrices(structuralmodel,state)
FEM_domain = struct with fields:
K: [6636x6636 double]
A: [6636x6636 double]
F: [6636x1 double]
Q: [6636x6636 double]
G: [6636x1 double]
H: [252x6636 double]
R: [252x1 double]
M: [6636x6636 double]
Pressure applied at the top of the cylinder is the only time-dependent quantity in the model. To model the dynamics of the system, assemble the boundary-load finite element matrix G for the initial, intermediate, and final time steps.
state.time = tlist(1);
FEM_boundary_init = assembleFEMatrices(structuralmodel,"G",state)
FEM_boundary_init = struct with fields:
G: [6636x1 double]
state.time = tlist(floor(length(tlist)/2));
FEM_boundary_half = assembleFEMatrices(structuralmodel,"G",state)
FEM_boundary_half = struct with fields:
G: [6636x1 double]
state.time = tlist(end);
FEM_boundary_final = assembleFEMatrices(structuralmodel,"G",state)
FEM_boundary_final = struct with fields:
G: [6636x1 double]
Finite Element Matrices for Nonlinear Problem
Assemble finite element matrices for a heat transfer problem with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity.
Create a steady-state thermal model.
thermalmodelS = createpde("thermal","steadystate");
Create a 2-D geometry by drawing one rectangle the size of the block and a second rectangle the size of the slot.
r1 = [3 4 -.5 .5 .5 -.5 -.8 -.8 .8 .8]; r2 = [3 4 -.05 .05 .05 -.05 -.4 -.4 .4 .4]; gdm = [r1; r2]';
Subtract the second rectangle from the first to create the block with a slot.
g = decsg(gdm,'R1-R2',['R1'; 'R2']');
Convert the decsg
format into a geometry object. Include the geometry in the model and plot the geometry.
geometryFromEdges(thermalmodelS,g); figure pdegplot(thermalmodelS,"EdgeLabels","on"); axis([-.9 .9 -.9 .9]);
Set the temperature on the left edge to 100 degrees. Set the heat flux out of the block on the right edge to -10. The top and bottom edges and the edges inside the cavity are all insulated: there is no heat transfer across these edges.
thermalBC(thermalmodelS,"Edge",6,"Temperature",100); thermalBC(thermalmodelS,"Edge",1,"HeatFlux",-10);
Specify the thermal conductivity of the material as a simple linear function of temperature u
k = @(~,state) 0.7+0.003*state.u;
Generate a mesh.
Calculate the steady-state solution.
Rnonlin = solve(thermalmodelS);
Because the thermal conductivity is nonlinear (depends on the temperature), compute the system matrices corresponding to the converged temperature. Assign the temperature distribution to the u
field of the state
structure array. Because the u
field must contain a row vector, transpose the temperature distribution.
state.u = Rnonlin.Temperature.';
Assemble finite element matrices using the temperature distribution at the nodal points.
FEM = assembleFEMatrices(thermalmodelS,"nullspace",state)
FEM = struct with fields:
Kc: [1265x1265 double]
Fc: [1265x1 double]
B: [1308x1265 double]
ud: [1308x1 double]
M: [1265x1265 double]
Compute the solution using the system matrices to verify that they yield the same temperature as Rnonlin
u = FEM.B*(FEM.Kc\FEM.Fc) + FEM.ud;
Compare this result to the solution given by solve
norm(u - Rnonlin.Temperature)
ans = 7.1726e-05
Input Arguments
— Model object
object | PDEModel
object | ThermalModel
object | StructuralModel
object | ElectromagneticModel
Model object, specified as an
object, or
not support assembling FE matrices for 3-D
magnetostatic analysis.
Example: model =
Example: model =
Example: thermalmodel =
Example: structuralmodel =
Example: emagmodel =
— Method for including boundary conditions
(default) | "nullspace"
| "stiff-spring"
Method for including boundary conditions, specified as "none"
, or
. For more
information, see Algorithms.
Example: FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model,"nullspace")
Data Types: char
| string
— Matrices to assemble
matrix identifiers | "boundary"
| "domain"
Matrices to assemble, specified as:
Matrix identifiers, such as
, and so on — Assemble the corresponding matrices. Each uppercase letter represents one matrix:K
, andT
. You can combine several letters into one character vector or string, such as"MKF"
— Assemble all matrices related to geometry boundaries."domain"
— Assemble all domain-related matrices.
Example: FEM =
Data Types: char
| string
— Time for time-dependent models and solution for nonlinear models
structure array
Time for time-dependent models and solution for nonlinear models, specified in a structure array. The array fields represent the following values:
contains a nonnegative number specifying the time value for time-dependent models.state.u
contains a solution matrix of size N-by-Np that can be used to assemble matrices in a nonlinear problem setup, where coefficients are functions ofstate.u
. Here, N is the number of equations in the system, and Np is the number of nodes in the mesh.
Example: state.time = tlist(end);
Output Arguments
— Finite element matrices
structural array
Finite element matrices, returned as a structural array. Use the bcmethod
and matrices
arguments to
specify which finite element matrices you want to
The fields in the structural array depend
on bcmethod
If the value is
, then the fields areK
, andM
.If the value is
, then the fields areKc
, andM
.If the value is
, then the fields areKs
, andM
The fields in the structural array also
depend on matrices
If the value is
, then the fields are all matrices related to geometry boundaries.If the value is
, then the fields are all domain-related matrices.If the value is a matrix identifier or identifiers, such as
, and so on, then the fields are the corresponding matrices.
For more information, see Algorithms.
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox™ solves equations of the form
and eigenvalue equations of the form
with the Dirichlet boundary conditions, hu = r, and Neumann boundary conditions, .
returns the following full finite element matrices and
vectors that represent the corresponding PDE problem:
is the stiffness matrix, the integral of the discretized version of thec
is the mass matrix, the integral of the discretized version of them
is nonzero for time-dependent and eigenvalue problems.A
is the integral of the discretized version of thea
is the integral of the discretized version of thef
coefficient. For thermal, electromagnetic, and structural problems,F
is a source or body load vector.Q
is the integral of the discretized version of theq
term in a Neumann boundary condition.G
is the integral of the discretized version of theg
term in a Neumann boundary condition. For structural problems,G
is a boundary load vector.The
matrices come directly from the Dirichlet conditions and the mesh.
Imposing Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
The "nullspace"
technique eliminates
Dirichlet conditions from the problem using a linear algebra
approach. It generates the combined finite-element matrices
, Fc
, B
, and vector ud
corresponding to the reduced system
Kc*u = Fc
, where Kc =
B'*(K + A + Q)*B
, and Fc =
B'*((F + G)-(K + A + Q)*ud)
. The
matrix spans the null space
of the columns of H
(the Dirichlet
condition matrix representing h*ud = r
The R
vector represents the Dirichlet
conditions in H*ud = R
. The
vector has the size of the
solution vector. Its elements are zeros everywhere except at
Dirichlet degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) locations where they
contain the prescribed values.
From the "nullspace"
matrices, you can
compute the solution u
u = B*(Kc\Fc) +
If you assembled a particular set of matrices, for example
and M
, you
can impose the boundary conditions on G
and M
as follows. First, compute the
nullspace of columns of H
[B,Or] = pdenullorth(H);
ud = Or*((H*Or\R)); % Vector with known value of the constraint DoF.
Then use the B
matrix as follows. To
eliminate Dirichlet degrees of freedom from the load vector
, use:
GwithBC = B'*G
To eliminate Dirichlet degrees of freedom from mass matrix, use:
M = B'*M*B
You can eliminate Dirichlet degrees of freedom from other vectors and matrices using the same technique.
The "stiff-spring"
technique converts
Dirichlet boundary conditions to Neumann boundary conditions
using a stiff-spring approximation. It returns a matrix
and a vector
that together represent a
different type of combined finite element matrices. The
approximate solution is u = Ks\Fs
Compared to the "nullspace"
the "stiff-spring"
technique generates
matrices more quickly, but generally gives less accurate
Degrees of Freedom (DoFs)
If the number of nodes in a model is
, and the number of equations is
, then the length of column
vectors u
and ud
. The toolbox assigns
the IDs to the degrees of freedom in u
and ud
Entries from 1 to
correspond to the first equation.Entries from
correspond to the second equation.Entries from
correspond to the third equation.
The same approach applies to all other entries, up to
For example, in a 3-D structural model, the length of a solution
vector u
. The first
entries correspond to
the x
-displacement at each node, the next
entries correspond to
the y
-displacement, and the next
entries correspond to
the z
Thermal, Structural, and Electromagnetic Analysis
In thermal analysis, the m
coefficients are zeros. The
thermal conductivity maps to the c
coefficient. The product of the mass density and the
specific heat maps to the d
The internal heat source maps to the f
coefficient. The temperature on a boundary corresponds to
the Dirichlet boundary condition term r
with h = 1
. Various forms of boundary
heat flux, such as the heat flux itself, emissivity, and
convection coefficient, map to the Neumann boundary
condition terms q
In structural analysis, the a
coefficient is
zero. Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio map to the
coefficient. The mass density
maps to the m
coefficient. The body loads
map to the f
coefficient. Displacements,
constraints, and components of displacement along the axes
map to the Dirichlet boundary condition terms
and r
Boundary loads, such as pressure, surface tractions, and
translational stiffnesses, correspond to the Neumann
boundary condition terms q
. When you specify the damping
model by using the Rayleigh damping parameters
, the discretized damping
matrix C
is computed by using the mass
matrix M
and the stiffness matrix
as C = Alpha*M +
. Hysteretic (structural) damping
contributes to the stiffness matrix K
which becomes complex.
In electrostatic and magnetostatic analyses, the
, a
, and
coefficients are zeros. The
relative permittivity and relative permeability map to the
coefficient. The charge
density and current density map to the f
coefficient. The voltage and magnetic potential on a
boundary correspond to the Dirichlet boundary condition term
with h =
Assembling FE matrices does not work for harmonic analysis and 3-D magnetostatic analysis.
Version History
Introduced in R2016aR2024a: FE matrices for femodel
The function accepts femodel
objects used in Unified Modeling.
R2020b: FE matrices for time-dependent and nonlinear models
The function now can assemble matrices using input time or solution for a time-dependent or nonlinear model, respectively. It also can assemble a subset of matrices, such as updated load only or stiffness only, to save computation time.
R2019a: FE matrices for thermal and structural models
The function accepts thermal and structural models with time- and solution-independent coefficients.
See Also
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