Solve structural analysis, heat transfer, or electromagnetic analysis problem
Domain-specific structural, heat transfer, and electromagnetic workflows are not recommended. New features might not be compatible with these workflows. For help migrating your existing code to the unified finite element workflow, see Migration from Domain-Specific to Unified Workflow.
solves the structural modal analysis problem represented by the finite element
analysis model results
= solve(fem
for all modes in the frequency range
. Define omega1
slightly lower than the lowest expected frequency and omega2
as slightly higher than the highest expected frequency. For example, if the
lowest expected frequency is zero, then use a small negative value for
performs an eigen decomposition of a linear thermal problem represented by the
finite element analysis model results
= solve(fem
for all modes in the
decay range [lambda1,lambda2]
. The resulting modes enable
you to:
Use the modal superposition method to speed up a transient thermal analysis.
Extract the reduced modal system to use, for example, in Simulink®.
obtains the modal basis of a linear or nonlinear thermal problem represented by
the finite element analysis model results
= solve(fem
using proper
orthogonal decomposition (POD). You can use the resulting modes to speed up a
transient thermal analysis or, if your thermal model is linear, to extract the
reduced modal system.
= solve(fem
= solve(fem
solve a transient thermal or structural problem or a frequency response
structural problem, respectively, by using the modal superposition method to
speed up computations. First, perform modal analysis to compute natural
frequencies and mode shapes in a particular frequency or decay range. Then, use
this syntax to invoke the modal superposition method. The accuracy of the
results depends on the modes in the modal analysis results.results
= solve(fem
returns the solution to the static structural analysis model represented in
= solve(structuralStatic
returns the solution to the transient structural dynamics model represented in
= solve(structuralTransient
at the times specified in
returns the solution to the frequency response model represented in
= solve(structuralFrequencyResponse
at the frequencies
specified in flist
returns the solution to the modal analysis model for all modes in the frequency
range structuralModalResults
= solve(structuralModal
. Define omega1
slightly lower than the lowest expected frequency and omega2
as slightly higher than the highest expected frequency. For example, if the
lowest expected frequency is zero, then use a small negative value for
= solve(structuralTransient
solves a transient and a frequency response structural model, respectively, by
using the modal superposition method to speed up computations. First, perform
modal analysis to compute natural frequencies and mode shapes in a particular
frequency range. Then, use this syntax to invoke the modal superposition method.
The accuracy of the results depends on the modes in the modal analysis
= solve(structuralFrequencyResponse
returns the solution to the steady-state thermal model represented in
= solve(thermalSteadyState
returns the solution to the transient thermal model represented in
= solve(thermalTransient
at the times specified in
performs an eigen decomposition of a linear thermal model
= solve(thermalModal
for all modes in the decay range
. The resulting modes enable you
Use the modal superposition method to speed up a transient thermal analysis.
Extract the reduced modal system to use, for example, in Simulink.
obtains the modal basis of a linear or nonlinear thermal model using proper
orthogonal decomposition (POD). You can use the resulting modes to speed up a
transient thermal analysis or, if your thermal model is linear, to extract the
reduced modal system.thermalModalResults
= solve(thermalModal
solves a transient thermal model by using the modal superposition method to
speed up computations. First, perform modal decomposition to compute mode shapes
for a particular decay range. Then, use this syntax to invoke the modal
superposition method. The accuracy of the results depends on the modes in the
modal analysis results.thermalTransientResults
= solve(thermalTransient
returns the solution to the electrostatic, magnetostatic, or DC conduction model
represented in emagStaticResults
= solve(emagmodel
returns the solution to the harmonic electromagnetic analysis model represented
in emagHarmonicResults
= solve(emagmodel
at the frequencies specified in
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
When you use modal analysis results to solve a transient structural dynamics model, the
argument must be created in Partial Differential Equation Toolbox™ from R2019a or newer.For a frequency response model with damping, the results are complex. Use functions such as
to obtain real-valued results, such as the magnitude and phase.